We are pleased to announce that, we are organising a summer school on ‘Nuclear Fission and Related Phenomena’ at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata, India, during May 13-23, 2014, on the occasion of 75 years of discovery of nuclear fission.

The school is intended for research students, post-docs and young researchers. We plan to accommodate 30 participants with full local hospitality and domestic travel support. The school is sponsored by the Centre for Nuclear Theory project of VECC.

In the first week of the school, we plan to offer a series of courses (up to 4 classes in a day, one hour each), mainly on theory of nuclear fission and related phenomena, by experts in the field. In the second week, the courses will be on experimental aspects. Students and young researchers will have the opportunity to give short (~ 10 minutes) presentation of their works. We will also invite a few eminent scientists for evening lectures and seminars.



\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, INDIA (202, N.K. Ganguly Lecture Hall) SUMMARY:Summer School on Nuclear Fission and Related Phenomena END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20170301T023000Z DTEND:20170311T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

Nuclear fusion reactions are widely used in nuclear physics to produce nuclei far from the beta ß-stability line and superheavy nuclei, to explore the properties of excited nuclear states and the mechanisms of their decay and to study the dynamics of nuclear reactions. The burning of stars and nucleosynthesis of elements and their relative abundances are associated with reactions involving the sub-barrier fusion of nuclei. In India, with the upcoming RIB facilities, many research students and scientist are getting involved in studying various nuclear reactions of astrophysical importance.

With the energies & interaction rates foreseen at FAIR, the compressed baryonic matter will create highest baryon densities in nucleus–nucleus collisions to explore the properties of superdense baryonic matter. These nuclear collisions can compress the nuclear matter to densities achieved within neutron stars and core-collapse supernovae. Precise knowledge of Equation of State for exotic phases in superdense asymmetric & symmetric baryonic matter enables one to explore neutron star structure, their mass-radius relations and interior phase transitions as well as heavy-ion reactions at intermediate and relativistic energies. Core superfluidity with effect of strong magnetic field is also emerging as an important field of research.

The ‘CNT Lectures on Special Topics in Nuclear Astrophysics’ is intended for training of research students, post-docs and young researchers & expose them to the cutting-edge research in these fields. About 30 participants can be accommodated with full local hospitality and domestic travel support as per guidelines. There will be three lectures per day and the remaining time will be utilized for discussions and tutorials. Participants will have the opportunity to present their work. The school is a part of the Centre for Nuclear Theory (CNT) project of VECC.

The Inaugural session is on  March 01, 2017 from 10:30 am to 11:20 am at Ajay Divatia Lecture Hall, VECC


\n LOCATION:VECC (N K Ganguly Lecture Hall ( 2nd Floor, Main Buliding)) SUMMARY:CNT Lectures on Special Topics in Nuclear Astrophysics END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20131119T033000Z DTEND:20131122T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

Announcement regarding accommodation

new The updated accommodation list and Program schedule have been uploaded as on 13th Nov 2013.

InPAC 2013 is the sixth in the series of conferences on particle accelerators sponsored by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, DAE. The first conference of the series was held in 2003. Objective of the conference is to provide an excellent forum to exchange valuable experiences, new ideas and recent developments among the scientists and technologists, particularly younger generation, actively involved in the design and development of frontier technologies in the field of particle accelerators.


November 19-22, 2013



Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre

1/AF Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata – 700 064







D. K. Srivastava

Subimal Saha

Amitava Roy

V. S. Pandit


\n SUMMARY:DAE-BRNS Indian Particle Accelerator Conference, 2013 (InPAC-2013) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20140219T040000Z DTEND:20140221T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

The 6th Asian Nuclear Physics Association (ANPhA) Symposium will be held during 19 - 21 February, 2014 at the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, INDIA. The main objectives of ANPhA are:

1. To strengthen "Collaboration" among Asian nuclear research scientists through the promotion of nuclear physics and its transdisciplinary use and applications.

2. To promote "Education" in Asian nuclear science through mutual exchange and coordination in the Asian nuclear science communities.

3. To encourage "Coordination" among Asian nuclear scientists by actively utilizing existing research facilities.

4. To discuss future planning of the nuclear science facilities and instrumentation among member countries.


Participation in the symposium is by invitation only.

\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, INDIA (Ajay Diwatiya Lectrure Hall) SUMMARY:6th Asian Nuclear Physics Association Symposium END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20140128T023000Z DTEND:20140130T123000Z DESCRIPTION:



Adoption and use of Information and Communication Technology have resulted in the globalization of information and knowledge resources in modern libraries. It has created a diverse set of technological tools and resources to create, communicate, disseminate, store, and manage information. In the twenty-first century, digitization of information and the adoption of information technology will be the hallmark of great libraries. The library environment is in a state of transition in terms of resources and users. Therefore it is important to provide a scientific forum that will bring together researchers, developers, content providers and users working in the field of digital libraries. With this motivation, an International Seminar on Application of Communication and Information Technology in Library (SACITiL) will be held at the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata during January 28 to 30, 2014 in sponsorship with Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences.


\nDr. Debranjan Sarkar\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Center (Meghnad Saha Auditorium) SUMMARY: International Seminar on Application of Communication and Information Technology in Library (Dr. Debranjan Sarkar) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20141119T033000Z DTEND:20141121T083000Z DESCRIPTION:Thank you all for participating in CTMat-2014

We are organising a National Conference on “Current Trends in Advanced Materials” (CTMat-2014) at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata, India, during November 19-21, 2014. Material science professionals from all over the country will gather in this conference to network, present research activities and share ideas. There will be invited lectures on the conference theme. Students and young researchers will have the opportunity to deliver short oral presentations of their research work. We plan to keep interactive poster sessions as well.

The subject areas include, but are not limited to:

• Nanomaterials

• Surface & Interface

• Multifunctional Materials

• Irradiation Effects in materials

\n SUMMARY:National Conference on “Current Trends in Advanced Materials” END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20121107T023000Z DTEND:20121109T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

Dear participants, THANK YOU for making SCRIBE-2012 a grand success!


A workshop on Science with Rare Ion Beams SCRIBE-2012 was held at VECC during November 7 to 9, 2012. This workshop is an initiative to discuss and fine tune the physics programme and accelerator scheme of ANURIB - the upcoming national facility for basic research at VECC. ANURIB (Advanced National facility for Unstable and Rare Ion Beams) aims to provide front-line research opportunities in nuclear physics, nuclear-astrophysics, materials science, atomic physics, biology and isotope production/applications.


\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC/SINP Campus Auditorium) SUMMARY:Workshop on Science with Rare Ion Beams SCRIBE-2012 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20130107T023000Z DTEND:20130125T123000Z DESCRIPTION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata\n LOCATION: at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata SUMMARY:SERC school on Nuclear Physics 2013 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20121126T023000Z DTEND:20121129T123000Z DESCRIPTION: SUMMARY:ENSDD Registration: Restricted Access END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20130225T023000Z DTEND:20130226T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

Cryogenics play a major role in the modern large scale scientific projects like accelerators and fusion reactors. A few major challenging projects have been taken up by the Department in the 12th plan. All large scale cryogenic systems use helium liquefier/refrigerator for their operation. The Theme Meeting is planned at VECC to discuss helium liquifiers, cryogenic systems and their applications. This meeting will provide opportunities for young researchers to interact with stalwarts in this subject from all over the country. It will be a forum for discussions on this subject, new trends and new project taken this subject, new trends and new project taken up by different Institutes.The Theme Meeting will consist of invited lectures and some contributory talks. Interested participants are requested to contact Convenor, LHeP-CSA, by January 15,2013.

\nDr. D. K. Srivastava (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)\n LOCATION:VECC (VECC/ SINP Auditorium) SUMMARY:DAE-BRNS Theme Meeting on Liquid Helium Plants, Cryogenic Systems and their Applications (LHeP-CSA) (Dr. D. K. Srivastava) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20170213T033000Z DTEND:20170215T123000Z DESCRIPTION: LOCATION:Calcutta University (Department of Physics) SUMMARY:CNT workshop on Quarkonia production and suppression in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20180312T023000Z DTEND:20180317T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

Study of Effective Field Theory (EFT) is one of the most vibrant area of contemporary research.  EFT has developed into a powerful methodology in dealing with non-pertubative aspects of low-and intermediate-energy Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and Hadron dynamics. In this workshop, we plan to take up some important issues and problems emerging in conjunction with the current theoretical developments in this area: such as the low-energy dynamics of mesons, baryons and composites, the application of Effective Field theory and Renormalization group approaches to nuclear structure. The workshop will include discussions on hadrons in medium and  quark-hadron transition. 


   Topics ---    NEW


List Of Selected Student Participants  


\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata (Raja Ramanna Research Scholar Wing) SUMMARY:CNT Workshop on Effective Field Theory of Hadrons: Vacuum to Medium END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20170222T023000Z DTEND:20170224T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

Cryogenics and superconductivity play pivotal roles in modern scientific applications starting from modern accelerators to medical diagnostics. A “National Symposium on Cryogenics and Superconductivity (NSCS-26)” is planned at VECC Kolkata to discuss diverse activities of cryogenics and superconductivity. The conference will consist of invited and contributed lectures, and poster presentations. Participants from all over our country are expected to take part. It will provide opportunities for the young researchers, scientists and technologists to interact closely with the stalwarts in this subject from all over the country. It will be a forum for discussions on this subject so that new trends can be identified and progress of the existing technology can be discussed.



\n LOCATION:VECC (Meghnad Saha Auditorium, SINP-VECC Campus) SUMMARY:26th National Symposium on Cryogenics and Superconductivity END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20170216T023000Z DTEND:20170217T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

The initiative is first of its kind to set up a common platform for the Academia, Research Organizations and the Industry on the specific subject. VECC is inviting national experts from Research Organizations, Industry and Academia to share their experiences and expertise. There will be no registration fee. The topics to be covered are Formal Modeling, Verification and Validation of large control Systems. The developments (both theoretical and applied areas) and deployments of tools in these areas have wide-ranging impacts both in control system design and their diagnostics. The Department of Atomic Energy is having activities almost all of which deal with large control systems in design, development and deployment phase.

\n SUMMARY: DAE BRNS Theme Meeting on Verification and Validation of Control Systems END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20160628T040000Z DTEND:20160629T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

The nuclear physics research in India has undergone a paradigm shift in last few decades. The field has moved towards a comprehensive and precise understanding of nuclei at low excitation energies to the studies of quark degree of freedom that required collision of nuclei at ultra-relativistic energies. Today the Indian nuclear physics community is engaged in performing research in the frontiers of nuclear physics involving nucleonic and sub-nucleonic degrees of freedom.  

The present symposium is aimed at discussing the achievements in the broad area of experimental and theoretical nuclear physics, which are driving the field today. The intention is to provide an overview of the status in these fields, as well as of new developments, and a preview of the forthcoming investigations.

The scientific program will consist of plenary presentations by invited speakers and contributory talks from selected abstracts. We would like to encourage young researchers (students and post doctoral fellows in particular) to send abstracts for contributory talks.

\n LOCATION:VECC SINP campus, Kolkata, INDIA SUMMARY:Symposium : "A Journey from Nuclei to Quarks" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20150201T023000Z DTEND:20150206T123000Z DESCRIPTION:The 7th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2015) will take place during 2-6 February 2015 at VECC, Kolkata, India. The Conference will focus on the recent theoretical and experimental developments in the field of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) and its astrophysical connection with the early Universe. \n\nThe past Conferences in this series took place at:\n\n1) 1988: Mumbai\n2) 1993: Kolkata\n3) 1997: Jaipur\n4) 2001: Jaipur\n5) 2005: Kolkata\n6) 2010: Goa\n\nComing up:\n7) 2015: Kolkata\n\nThe Student Day will take place on 1st February 2015.\n LOCATION:VECC SUMMARY:ICPAQGP - 2015 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20160216T050000Z DTEND:20160225T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

The school is intended for research students, post-docs and young researchers. About 30 participants can be accommodated with full local hospitality and domestic travel support as per guidelines. There will be three lectures per day and the remaining time will be utilized for discussions and tutorials. Participants will have the opportunity to present their work. The school is a part of the Centre for Nuclear Theory (CNT) project of VECC.

Last date for sending application is 30th November, 2015

\n LOCATION:VECC SUMMARY:CNT Lectures on Selected Topics in Nuclear Theory END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20160110T023000Z DTEND:20160111T123000Z DESCRIPTION: SUMMARY:CBM Eletronics Workshop END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20101205T034500Z DTEND:20101210T133000Z DESCRIPTION:



The 6th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2010) will take place during 6-10 December 2010 in Goa, India. The Conference will focus on the recent theoretical and experimental developments in the field of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) and its astrophysical connection with the early Universe. Much awaited new data from LHC and RHIC will be the main focus along with discussions on future facilities at FAIR, NICA and J-PARC.

A Student Day will be held on 5th December 2010 at Goa which will benefit young researchers.

►     Accommodation status as of 11th November 2010

    The Conference Proceedings will be published by Nuclear Physics A.  



A theme meeting on  “ CANCER THERAPY FACILITY IN INDIA USING ION BEAMS”, will be organised on March 26, 2010 (Friday) at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata where experts in the field of oncology,radiation physics and accelerators will get together for an in-depth discussions  on the feasibility of about  setting up  an accelerator-based cancer treatment facility in India.

Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre is a premier R & D unit of the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India. This Centre is dedicated to carry out frontier research and development in the fields of Accelerator Science & Technology, Nuclear Science (Theoretical and Experimental), Material Science, Computer Science & Technology and in other relevant areas.

VECC  has a very active programme centered around accelerators.We have just commissioned Superconducting Cyclotron that is almost of the size of a 250 MeV Proton  Superconducting Cyclotron. The centre has a room temperature cyclotron operating since 1978. The centre actively pursues R&D activities in multidisciplinary field of basic science and engineering.



DR. A. B. B. ACHARY,  Convenor, Technical Programme Committee

Mobile Number: 9432800400    E-Mail Address:

All your queries related to your travel, accomodation and transport has to be sent to

or contact

Mr. C. Mallik  Convenor, Organizing Committee

Mobile Number:  9830651652  E-Mail Address:

\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (Ajay Divatia Lecture Hall) SUMMARY:Theme Meeting on Cancer Therapy Facility in India Using Ion Beams END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20101216T080000Z DTEND:20101217T180000Z DESCRIPTION:

The first superconducting cyclotron (SCC) of the country, at VECC, has accelerated neon ion test beam up to the extraction radius on 11th May 2009. It will deliver a large variety of particle ion beams over a wide range of energies (upto ~ 80 MeV protons, ~10-80 MeV/nucleon medium heavy ions with mass less than 60 and ~ 5-20 MeV/nucleon for heaviest ions) and open up a new frontier in intermediate energy nuclear physics research in India. A comprehensive utilisation programme is presently being implemented and several large detector facilities are being developed as part of the superconducting cyclotron utilization programme (SUCCUP). The external beam delivery system is also ready and it is expected that the energetic ion beams will soon be available for experiments. Therefore, the present meeting is being planned to discuss relevant physics issues which can be pursued with this machine. The topics to be discussed are multi fragmentation, isospin physics, fission dynamics, multiparticle correlation studies and gamma-ray spectroscopic studies using the facilities which are being developed for superconducting cyclotron utilization project; Renowned national and international experts in the related fields will be invited to deliver talks on these topics.

\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata (AJAY DIWATIYA LECTURE HALL) SUMMARY:Theme Meeting on Nucleus Nucleus Collision Around Fermi Energy (NNCAFE 2010) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20100302T080000Z DTEND:20120927T180000Z DESCRIPTION: SUMMARY:Tutorial For Conference END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20110620T023000Z DTEND:20110710T123000Z DESCRIPTION: LOCATION:VECC SUMMARY:SERC-EHEP END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20110201T033000Z DTEND:20110218T123000Z DESCRIPTION:


EU-IndiaGrid2is organising this Grid school in collaboration with CHAIN (Co-ordination and Harmonisation of Advanced e-INfrastructures:, and EPIKH (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How: announce the Grid School for site administrators and Application Porting to be held in Kolkata, India.

Grid site administrators


The aim of this tutorial is to prepare system administrators on the installation of grid sites and actually put together those facilities to increase the size of the CHAIN/EU-IndiaGrid2 infrastructures. The first days will be dedicated to the gLite middleware, services installation and configuration. The second part will be dedicated to have the participants install sites, remotely (from the tutorial), at their home institutions. At the end of the school a participant organisation will have an operational grid node within the EU-IndiaGrid2 grid infrastructure.

Grid school on application porting

The Grid School aims at increasing the number of scientific/industrial applications running on the CHAIN/EU-IndiaGrid2 production infrastructure. A participant will learn how to port, deploy and run his application on the CHAIN/EU-IndiaGrid2 grid infrastructure. The School also aims at bringing new research groups to use the CHAIN/EU-IndiaGrid2 resources as well as to diversity the application domains and scientific communities. At the end of the school a participant will have its own application operational and running on the EU-IndiaGrid2 grid infrastructure.

The school will take in total 18 days and it aims at support participants at effectively porting and running an application on the Grid. As you may see it consists of two separate parts: one for site administrators, one for application porting.


Indian Vacuum Society (IVS) was established in 1970 to promote vacuum science and technology in academic, industrial and R&D institutions in India. IVS is a member society of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications (IUVSTA). It has been organizing International and national symposia, short term courses and workshops on different aspects of Vacuum Science & Technology at regular intervals. So far 27 National symposia, 4 International Symposia and 47 courses have been organized at various locations in India. There has been an active participation from R & D establishments, universities and Indian industries during all these events. In view of the current global scenario and emerging trends in vacuum technology, executive committee of IVS felt it appropriate to organise an international symposium at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata during February 15-17, 2012 where large high vacuum systems are used for K-130 Cyclotron & K-500 Superconducting Cyclotron. Also a large cryogenic system using LHe plant is in operation for cryopanels & superconducting magnet for K-500 Cyclotron. The main areas covered under the symposium will be production and measurement of vacuum, leak detection, large vacuum systems, vacuum metallurgy, vacuum materials and application of high vacuum in cyclotrons, LINACS and other accelerators. It will provide an opportunity for interaction amongst active researchers & technologists and to review the current scenario, report recent results, share the available expertise and consider the future R&D efforts in this area. A souvenir will be published and an exhibition of the vacuum related equipments will also be organized along with the symposium.

Last Date for submission of manuscript: January 15, 2012




Lecture slides of invited and oral presentations uploaded

Selected papers published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume: 390

\n SUMMARY:International Symposium on Vacuum Science & Technology and Its Application for Accelerators END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20110720T023000Z DTEND:20110722T123000Z DESCRIPTION: LOCATION:VECC (AJAY DIWATIYA LECTURE Hall) SUMMARY:Theme Meeting on Search for Neutron-Antineutron Oscillation END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20121204T023000Z DTEND:20121207T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

The Ninth International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC 2012) will be organised by the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, in Kolkata, India.

This workshop covers all important aspects of particle accelerator controls with an objective to encourage young engineers/scientists to keep abreast of latest trends and techniques in control technology by exchanging ideas with specialists in the field of control system from all over the world.

We look forward to seeing you in Kolkata in December 2012!

D. Sarkar

Chair, PCaPAC-2012

\nDr. D Sarkar (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)\n LOCATION:VECC (Ajay Divatia Lecture Hall) SUMMARY:Ninth International Workshop on Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls (PCaPAC-2012) (Dr. D Sarkar) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20151115T193000Z DTEND:20151120T123000Z DESCRIPTION: SUMMARY:CNT QGP Meet 2015 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20120109T033000Z DTEND:20120111T140000Z DESCRIPTION:The purpose of this meeting is to discuss recent analysis results, stimulate collaborative work on specific topics, develop new ideas and plan for future directions among our colleagues working in STAR experiment at RHIC. The meeting will dominantly consist of STAR physics analysis related discussions, with focus on beam energy scan data set taken in year 2010 and 2011 and results related to data taken by Photon Multiplicity Detector. \n LOCATION:VECC (AJAY DIWATIYA LECTURE Hall) SUMMARY: STAR Collaboration Regional Meeting and discussion on the QCD phase diagram END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20120206T023000Z DTEND:20120208T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

Asian Forum for Accelerators and Detectors Workshop (AFAD-2012) and Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA) Meeting will be hosted by Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, from February 6 to February 8, 2012. The AFAD workshop will be held on February 6th & 7th,  followed by the 19th ACFA Meeting on February 8, 2012.

AFAD is  the new name for the Joint Asian Accelerator Work Shop (JAAWS).  The first JAAWS  was held during December 22-23, 2009 at IHEP, Beijing, China and 2nd JAAWS was held during Nov 29-30, 2010 at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), Pohang, Korea.

There will be six categories in the workshop as follows:

* Accelerator and its related technologies for photon science
              S.K. Deb (
              Junji Urakawa (

* Accelerator and its related technologies for hadron (neutron) science
Pitambar Singh (
              Hirohiko Shimizu / Suguru Muto ( / )

* Detector Technology Development
S. Chattopadhyay (
Dr. Shoji Uno (

* Accelerator and its related technologies for Industrial & Medical Applications 
D. Kanjilal (
               Ken Takayama (

* R&D for innovative accelerators
P.A. Naik (
               Mitsuhiro Yoshida (

* Network & Computing
               Debranjan Sarkar
Mitsuaki Nozaki(

Participation is by Invitation Only
Registration is Compulsory  (No Registration fee)



\n LOCATION:VECC SUMMARY:Asian Forum for Accelerators and Detectors (AFAD-2012) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20151217T033000Z DTEND:20151218T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

Superconductivity plays an important role in modern scientific applications starting from modern accelerators to medical diagnostics. It has great potential in future electrical systems to minimize losses and increase efficiency in the system. A workshop on “Superconductivity and its Application in Electrical Systems (SAES‐2015)” is planned at VECC Kolkata to discuss diverse application of superconductivity.

\n LOCATION:VECC (Ajay Divatiya Lecture Hall) SUMMARY:DAE-BRNS Workshop on Superconductivity and its Application in Electrical Systems (SAES-2015) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20111215T040000Z DTEND:20111216T113000Z DESCRIPTION:

GARUDA is India’s first national grid computing initiative, bringing together academic, scientific and research communities for developing their data and compute intensive application with guaranteed quality-of-service. Funded by Department of Information Technology, GARUDA aims to provide e-Infrastructure for technological advances required to enable data and compute intensive science for the 21st century. GARUDA grid is an aggregation of resources comprising of computational nodes, mass storage and scientific instruments and hosts scientific application through the National Knowledge Network (NKN).The NKN is a state-of-the-art multi-gigabit pan-India network for providing a unified high speed network backbone for all knowledge related institutions in the country.

In order to initiate and orient the potential users to using the GARUDA grid, a two-day workshop on GARUDA – tilted GARUDA Boot Camp (GBC) is being organized at VECC, Kolkata during December 15 and 16, 2011 (Thursday and Friday) jointly by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Bangalore and VECC, Kolkata. The workshop agenda includes presentations and hands-on sessions. Various topics like High Performance Computing (HPC) and Grid concepts, GARUDA Grid overview, Grid Security & Indian Grid Certification Authority (IGCA), Grid Access Methods & Tools, Utility Services, Application enablement on grid will be presented. This Boot Camp is specifically targeted for Application Developers and Grid users (both beginners and advanced users). After attending this boot camp, users should be able to port and run their codes on the GARUDA grid distributed resources.

Members of the scientific community who wish to exploit the GARUDA resources to develop/run/deploy their compute/data-intensive applications are particularly encouraged to participate in the workshop. Intending participants from Institutions other than VECC are requested to visit for registration details.



We are very pleased to announce the organisation of the “NUSTAR Week 2012” at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, INDIA. This meeting is the 4th in the series. The previous meetings were held at Dubna (2009), Lund (2010) and Bucharest (2011). The aim of the NUSTAR Week is to exchange views about the collaboration in general, hold working group meetings of all NUSTAR projects, presentation of new technical results and discuss perspective ideas together.

\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (Ajay Divatia Lecture Hall) SUMMARY:Nustar Week 2012 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20120924T023000Z DTEND:20121003T123000Z DESCRIPTION: SUMMARY:CBM Meet 2012 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20120930T033000Z DTEND:20121019T123000Z DESCRIPTION:


NEW 10/12/2012 List of Final Participants is here

NEW 26/11/2012  The Work Plan for the Practical Session is here

NEW 21/11/2012: PLEASE READ THE FINAL CIRCULAR for important information


NEW: the "Useful files"  link under the menus on the left has Important information and useful files for A=215 mass chain evaluation. 

NEW: For information about Accommodation and Accommodation list click here 

           NEW: (For those who will be provided TA) Please download the TA form, take a print out (both the pages), fill the necessary fields, sign it and bring it with you along with the copies of your train ticket (for travel by train) and tickets, receipts and boarding passes (for travel by Air). Submit them in the registration desk on the first day for a quick processing of your TA claim.

A BRNS sponsored workshop on the Evaluation of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data (ENSDD-2012) will be held at the Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre during November 26 – 29, 2012. This event, organized under the aegis of the Nuclear Data Physics Centre of India (NDPCI), is the first of its kind in India. The aim of the workshop is to provide detailed information and training on the evaluation of nuclear structure and decay data in the ENSDF (Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File) format.

The importance and necessity of the evaluation of nuclear structure and decay data is growing very fast with the advent of technological advancement in accelerator technology, nuclear detection and data acquisition systems. The evaluated data are useful not only for the physicists involved in the basic research of nuclear physics and astrophysics but equally important to a large community in the applied areas of nuclear power, material analysis, dosimetry, medical diagnostics and treatment etc.

The evaluation is carried out  by the International Network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data (NSDD) Evaluators ( under the auspices of the IAEA. India is an active member of this network and the community of the ENSDF Evaluators in India is growing fast, particularly after the formation of the NDPCI. This workshop will bring some of the best international experts together and put them in touch with other evaluators to update on the recent developments in the ENSDF evaluation and also to encourage students and faculties to undertake ENSDF evaluation.

We look forward to your participation in ENSDD-2012 at VECC, Kolkata

\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (Ajay Divatia Lecture Hall) SUMMARY:BRNS workshop on Evaluation of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20120628T033000Z DTEND:20120629T123000Z DESCRIPTION: LOCATION:VECC-SINP Auditorium SUMMARY:Theme Meeting on Unveiling Future with Cyclotrons END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20141027T023000Z DTEND:20141031T123000Z DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: SUMMARY:IWAD and 14th RD51 Collaboration Meeting, Kolkata, India END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20140121T033000Z DTEND:20140121T201000Z DESCRIPTION:Special CERN-India Task Force Meeting at VECC, Kolkata\n SUMMARY:CERN-India Task Force Meeting END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20150224T040000Z DTEND:20150306T123000Z DESCRIPTION:


CNT Lectures on Hot/Dense Matter 2015


The Centre for Nuclear Theory (CNT) at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) is going to organize a lecture series during 24th February to 6th March, 2015.

The program consists of blackboard lectures intended for PhD students and young Post Docs covering the following topics:

  1. Transport Coefficients in hot/dense matter.

  2. Finite Temperature Field Theory in a Magnetic Field.

Lecturers include Sangyong Jeon, Alejandro Ayala, Hendrik van Hees and Juan Torres-Rincon

The format allows sufficient scope for tutorials, homeworks and extended discussions on the above topics.

Applications are invited from highly motivated Ph.D students and young PDFs involved in theoretical studies in related areas. Participants will be expected to have an elementary knowledge of classical and quantum field theory. Applicants should send their curriculum vitae to: with an accompanying letter of reference.

Participants will be provided local hospitality and to and fro Railway Fare as admissible by Govt. rules.

The deadline for application has been extended to 9th January, 2015.


Sourav Sarkar (VECC) (Convener)

Pradip Roy (SINP) (Co-Convener)

Partha Pratim Bhaduri (VECC) (Member Secretary)

Jhilam Sadhukhan (VECC)

Sanjay Ghosh (Bose Institute)

Jan-e Alam (VECC)

Munshi Golam Mustafa (SINP)

Dinesh K Srivastava (VECC) (Chairman)

\n LOCATION:VECC (N. K. Ganguly Lecture Hall) SUMMARY:CNT Lectures on hot/dense matter 2015 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20141129T043000Z DTEND:20141129T113000Z DESCRIPTION:Meeting of the International Advisory Committee (IAC) for Advanced National facility for Unstable and Rare Isotope Beams (ANURIB)at VECC. \n LOCATION:Council room, VECC (Ground floor) SUMMARY:Meeting of International Advisory Committee (IAC) for ANURIB END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20150218T033000Z DTEND:20150220T123000Z DESCRIPTION:

On the occasion of Diamond Jubilee Year of Department of Atomic Energy, we are organizing a conference on “Frontiers in Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy – 2015” (FIG15) at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India, during February 18-20, 2015. The focus of this conference will be the most recent experimental and theoretical advances and developments in related instrumentation in the field of nuclear structure studies using gamma-ray spectroscopy.

Participation in FIG15 will be by invitation. However, PhD students and post-docs are encourgaed to apply. The conference will be based on invited talks and selected contributions from PhD students and young postdocs. For the selected contributions the abstract (maximum 200 words) should be submitted by November 25, 2014, along with the filled in proforma in the prescribed format and recommendation letter.

Important Dates:

Last date of student’s contribution to be received:          25 November, 2014

Intimation of acceptance of student contribution:            04 December, 2014

Last date for abstract submission for invited speakers:   19 December, 2014

Closing of advanced registration for all:                          23 January, 2015


Registration Fees:

Academic / faculty : Rs. 1500/- (before January 23, 2015)

Academic / faculty : Rs. 2000/- (after January 23, 2015)

Students: Rs. 500/-



\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India SUMMARY:Frontiers in Gamma Spectroscopy – 2015 (FIG15) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20180503T051932Z URL;VALUE=URI: DTSTART:20140903T043000Z DTEND:20140905T110000Z DESCRIPTION:


                Vacuum Science and Technology is an important discipline which has various applications in research laboratories and industrial production units in diverse fields like accelerator science and technology, micro electronics and instrumentation, material processing, space exploration, surface studies, pharmaceuticals, etc. High vacuum applications in particle accelerators and superconducting magnets have resulted in rapid development in many sophisticated vacuum equipment taking the range of vacuum to 10-12 mbar. In order to expose the technical personnel working in this field to the advancement of Vacuum Science and Technology, Indian Vacuum Society, Zonal Chapter Kolkata is organizing a workshop. The workshop shall impart this knowledge and propagate the principles and practices of vacuum science and technology to Undergraduate students, Research Scholars, Scientific/Technical workers of Engineering Colleges, Research Institutions and Universities.


VECC and TRIUMF are organizing a workshop on “Science with Rare Ion Beams (SCRIBE-2014)” during November 25-28, 2014 at VECC Kolkata.

SCRIBE-2014 aims to discuss Rare Ion Beams (RIB) from the perspective of accelerators and beams, isotope production, and fundamental science by bringing together scientists working in this field from various laboratories. The workshop will include a special session on VECC and TRIUMF’s joint initiative on development of a high-power, superconducting electron linac and converter-target module for the flagship projects ANURIB and ARIEL in India and Canada, respectively. It is expected that SCRIBE-2014 would help in fine-tuning the physics programs of ANURIB and ARIEL and provide the platform for discussing possible future collaborations in this forefront area of science and technology.

\n LOCATION:Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC) (SINP Auditorium) SUMMARY:Workshop on Science with Rare Ion Beams SCRIBE-2014 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR