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Paper Submission Instructions


Before submitting your paper, please check the following items:

  • The only fonts used are Times New Roman (or Times) and Symbol fonts, 10 pt minimum.
  • There are no page numbers.
  • There are no section or subsection numbers.
  • Margins are correct on the printed version [left 20 mm (0.79 in.), bottom 19 mm (0.75 in.), overall height of text 241 mm (9.5 in.)]. There may be differences of �1 mm on the margins from one printer to another.
  • Prepare a PostScript file of the paper that conforms to the paper preparation guidelines (LaTeX users please use the -j0 option with dvips�see the JACoW pages for help on preparing PostScript files).

To create a Postscript file in Word (without Adobe Acrobat installed):

  • Go to File > Print.
  • Be sure to select a color printer if you have color graphics in your paper.
  • Check the "Print to file" box in the dialog box.
  • Click "Ok."
  • Enter your paper ID as the file name (a "prn" extension will automatically be added).
  • Once the file is saved, change the "prn" extension to "ps." You can view your Postscript file with free software called Ghostview.

To create a Postscript file with Acrobat installed:

  • Go to File > Print.
  • Select Acrobat Distiller as your printer.
  • Check the "Print to file" box in the dialog box.
  • In the same dialog box, click on >Properties >Adobe PDF Settings. Make sure that "Do not send font to Distiller" is not checked.
  • Click "Ok." Click "Ok again."
  • Enter your paper ID as the file name (a "prn" extension will automatically be added).
  • Once the file is saved, change the "prn" extension to "ps." You can view your Postscript file with free software called Ghostview.

Note: PDF submissions will not be accepted (it's necessary for the editing staff to create PDF files using specific setting to create the required searchable and archival proceedings).

Check and make sure the PostScript file prints correctly.

Name the files according to the paper's program code. File extensions should have 3 or fewer characters. The program codes for your paper(s) are linked to your account, and the system will not accept files that do not conform to this naming convention. For example, for paper TUP-D1VGH001, file names should be as follows:

  • - PostScript file
  • TUP-D1VGH001.doc - Word file (TUP-D1VGH001.tex if it is a LaTeX document)
  • TUP-D1VGH001f1.eps - EPS file containing figure 1
  • TUP-D1VGH001f2.tif - TIFF file containing figure 2

Once the files are ready for submission, login to your PCaPAC-2012 (JACoW SPMS) account and click on "File Upload."

  • Upload the PostScript file.
  • Upload all source files (Word or Latex, text and figures) needed to create the paper. Be aware that large files may take some time to transfer.

You may click on to "Add Exception" and then "Confirm Security Certificate" if there is any issue with security certificate while clicking  "Upload file", however make sure the directed URL is ""

After successful file upload, your uploaded paper(s) will appear in log.

Questions concerning paper submission may be addressed to ""