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Abstract Preparation and Submission

The extended deadline for the submission of abstracts to PCaPAC2012 is:
23:59:59 IST, Wednesday, August 15, 2012

All contributions to PCaPAC2012 will be managed using the JACoW Scientific Programme Management System (SPMS). All primary authors must own a profile and associated account within the JACoW Repository, prior to submitting an abstract. Use the link

and follow the instructions to check whether you already own a JACoW profile and associated account. Create them if necessary.

Login to PCaPAC2012 using the link

Once logged into the PCaPAC2012 SPMS, please check to confirm that the data in your JACoW profile is up to date, especially your e-mail address and affiliation. Do this by clicking on the Modify Your Profile link.

Submit your abstract(s) by clicking on the Submit A New Abstract link and following the instructions below. You can also click on the Instructions link on the abstract submission page to consult the step-by-step instructions.

Abstract Title
Enter the Abstract Title using initial capital letters for significant words. For example: "This is a Paper Title in Initial Capital Letters".

Presentation Type
Enter the Presentation Type - Contributed Oral/Poster. However, the Scientific Program Committee (SPC) will finalize the Contributed Orals, based on scientific merit.

Main and Sub Classification
Enter the appropriate Classification to ensure correct placement within the conference program.

Abstract Text
Enter the Abstract text (cannot exceed 1200 characters). Greek characters, symbols, superscripts, subscripts, etc. must be avoided due to font encoding problems introduced by Web submission.

Enter the Footnotes (cannot exceed 200 characters). Intended for references to publications. Enter with a carriage return between each reference. Do not enter co-authors here.

Funding Agency
Enter the Funding Agency and/or contract supporting the work being presented (cannot exceed 200 characters). Carriage returns are not allowed. Do not use to request funding to attend the conference.

Check that everything is correct.

Click on Save Changes.

On the next PCaPAC2012 Author List page, enter the co-authors.

It is important to enter the names of all co-authors and to designate their roles. You must indicate who would present the work should it be selected for oral presentation, or who is the primary author if the primary author is not the submitting author or presenter.

Note that when you enter co-authors, the JACoW SPMS system will search to see whether a profile/account already exists for the co-author. If it does not, you will have to create a profile for them. Please be extremely careful with your data entry as this profile will be added to the JACoW Repository. Co-authors properly entered in the SPMS will thus appear in the list of co-authors which will be included in the program booklet and in the author index of the proceedings.

If an abstract is selected for contributed oral presentation, the role "Presenter" automatically becomes "Speaker". The roles thus assigned are used to generate the sort order for co-authors in the table of contents. The names of Primary or Submitting authors appear first in the list of co-authors, followed in alphabetical order by co-authors with the same affiliation. Co-authors from other affiliations are grouped by affiliation, in alphabetical order.

The PCaPAC2012 Author List page provides the functionality to:

  • Add co-authors by clicking on Add a New Author;
  • Designate their roles:
    • Owner/Submitting author (the person normally contacted regarding the program and conference organization);
    • Primary author;
    • Presenter/Speaker (the person who would present the poster/contributed oral).
  • Assign multiple ordered affiliations to authors;
  • Remove authors.

Always click on Update to save changes.

It is important to remember to enter all co-authors. Failure to do so means that they will be excluded from the author index in the conference program booklet and in the proceedings.

When the author list is complete, click on Update and then click on Return to Abstract List.

The PCaPAC2012 Abstract List page provides the functionality to:

  • Print an abstract;
  • EDIT all previously entered fields of an abstract;
  • Edit the list of Authors; or
  • Withdraw an abstract.


Check for a profile and/or submit an abstract to PCaPAC2012
View abstracts submitted to PCaPAC2012