5-10 December 2010
6th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP 2010)
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Anti-particle to particle Ratio for p+p Collisions in √s = 62.4 GeV at RHIC
Content: The study of charged hadron yields and their anti-particle to particle ratios are very significant as they give vital information about the hadronization mechanisms in high energy collisions. We present measurements of mid-rapidity anti-particle to particle ratios in p+p collisions at √s = 62.4 GeV collisions from the STAR Experiment. Charged hadrons are identified by using specific ionization energy loss (dE/dx) method at the low momentum region [1]. A Gaussian variable nσi is used and multi-gaussian fit is aaplied separately to nσi distributions of π± , k± , p and pbar to extract the raw particle yields. The anti-particle to particle ratios are discussed for π±, k± , p and p̄ as a function of pT . The results are also compared with the ISR results at 63 GeV for p + p collisions [2]. References 1. Abelev, B. I., et al.[STAR Collaboration], Phys. Rev. C 79 (2009) 34909. 2. Alper, B., et al., Nuclear Physics B100 (1975) 237-290.
Id: 103
Room: Main Auditorium
Starting date:
--not yet scheduled--   
Duration: 00'
Primary Authors: Mr. GUPTA, Shikshit (University of Jammu, Jammu)
Presenters: Mr. GUPTA, Shikshit