Guideline for Preparation of Posters and Manuscript


A panel at a convenient height will be provided for each poster. Posters should be limited to (46.8 in (120cm) × 33.1 in (90cm)), A0 paper size.  It should be ready one hour before the start of the poster session. At the end of the poster session, posters should be removed quickly.


  1. Keep in mind that lettering for titles, authors, headings etc. should be legible from a reasonable viewing distance.
  2. Do not use excessive text boxes, a graph or a properly annotated drawing conveys far more information. Use colour but avoid gimmicks.
  3. Do not pin up a photocopy, even enlarged, of your paper.



Authors are advised to use the JACoW Templates  in A4 paper size (MS Word for PC (.dot)  or equivalent). The templates contain styles which, when applied, will automatically ensure correct typesetting and layout. Please submit the paper only in MSWord. It will help us in editing.

Length of Contributions

Oral and Poster presentation:   4 pages.

Invited talks:                             6 pages.


General Layout

See the templates for a typical implementation of the requirements.

  1. A4 (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm; 8.27 in x 11.69 in)
  2. Single spaced text in two columns of 82.5 mm (3.25 in.) with 5. 3 mm (0.2 in.) separation.
  3. The text located within the margins specified as follows to facilitate electronic processing of the postscript file.

The margins should be as follows:


A4 paper


20 mm


20 mm


37 mm


19 mm

Authors should use only Times or Times New Roman (in roman, bold or italic) and Symbol fonts. All contributions should use 10pt fonts for the normal text.



The title should use 14pt bold uppercase letters and be centred on the page. The names of the authors and their organisation/affiliation and mailing address should be listed in 12pt upper and lower case letters, grouped by affiliation.

Section Headings

Section headings should use 12pt bold uppercase letters and be centred in the column. They should NOT be numbered.

Subsection Headings

Subsection headings should use 12 pt italic letters, be left aligned and justified in the column. As for section headings, they should NOT be numbered.

Paragraph Text

Paragraphs should use 10pt font and be justified (touch each side) in the column. The beginning of each paragraph should be indented approximately 3 mm (0.13 in).

Figures, Tables and Equations

Place figures and tables as close to the place of their mention as possible. Lettering in figures and tables should be large enough to reproduce clearly, using only the approved fonts. All figures and tables must be given sequential numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) and have a caption placed below the figure or above the table being described.


Place the corresponding reference number in square brackets.. See the templates for a typical example.


Acronyms should be defined the first time they appear.

Page Numbers

DO NOT number pages. Page numbers will be added by the Editing Team when they produce the final proceedings.

Paper Preparation Checklist

  • Use only Times or Times New Roman (roman, bold or italic) and Symbol fonts (in the text and in the figures), 10 pt minimum.
  • Check that the postscript file prints correctly.
  • Check that there are no page numbers.
  • Check that there are no section or sub-section numbers.
  • Check that the margins are correct on the printed version (left 20mm (0.79in), bottom 19mm (0.75in), overall height of text 241mm (9.5in)). There may be differences of 1 mm on the margins from one printer to another.


Once contributions are prepared, follow the Paper Submission Instructions