Abstract Submission

Call for Abstracts  is OPEN now

Original papers (not previously published or presented) from the field of accelerator control as per the major topics of the conference will be accepted.

 The scientific program will include invited talks, contributed orals, posters sessions finalized by the scientific program committee.

All contributed abstracts are to be submitted identifying a preference for oral or poster sessions. 

Any paper which is not presented at the conference will be excluded from the proceedings. Furthermore, the SPC reserves the right to refuse for publication work not presented in the poster sessions.

The extended deadline for the submission of abstracts to PCaPAC2012 is:
23:59:59 IST, Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Abstract Preparation and Submission

Classification of Topics

  • ·   Status  reports  / overview  of control  system
  • ·   Control  system  interoperability
  • ·   Verification  and  Validation  of  control  system  design
  • ·   Data  integrity  and  Security
  • ·   New trends  in  languages  for control  system  design
  • ·   Experimental  Data  Acquisition
  • ·   Control  Databases
  • ·   PC vs. Embedded system
  • ·   Software  and  Hardware  technologies
  • ·   Open  source software  for control
  • ·   Latest trends in GUI