215 COMMENTS 01NDS 200110 215 H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215 C TITL$NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS FOR A=215, 219, 223, 227, 231 215 c AUTH$E. BROWNE 215 c INST$Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 215 #c Berkeley, California 94720, USA 215 c ABST$The evaluator presents in this publication spectroscopic data and 215 2c level schemes from radioactive decay and nuclear reaction studies for 215 3c all nuclei with mass numbers A=215, 219, 223, 227, and 231. 215 @c Nuclei with mass number A=215 have spherical shape, and their nuclear 215 2c structure have been interpreted in terms of the shell model. Nuclei 215 3c with mass number A=219 belong to a transitional region with spherical, 215 4c quadrupole, and possibly octupole deformations; those with mass 215 5c numbers A=223 and 227 belong to a newly studied region of coexisting 215 6c quadrupole with possible octupole deformations; and nuclei with mass 215 7c number A=231 essentially have quadrupole deformation. 215 @c Highlights of this publication are given below: 215 @c A recent study of the {+206}Pb({+13}C,4n|g) reaction (1998St24) has 215 2c extended up to J|p=61/2+ the previously known level scheme from 215 3c {+208}Pb({+13}C,6n|g) (1988Fu10,1983Lo16). This study has provided a 215 4c new interpretation for all the spectroscopic data above the 2247-keV 215 5c (J|p=29/2-) level in {+215}Ra. 215 @c A new isotope, {+219}U (42 |ms), which was identified with the recoil 215 2c separator VASSILISSA (1994Ye08,1994AnZY,1993An07), has been included 215 3c in this evaluation. 215 @c The first {+223}Rn |b- decay scheme (1992Ku03) and a significantly 215 2c improved measurement of {+227}Ac |a decay (1995Sh03) are presented 215 3c here. A level scheme of {+223}Fr has been constructed on the basis of 215 4c these studies, where most of the levels below 600 keV have been 215 5c assigned to parity doublet bands and interpreted in terms of the 215 6c reflection-asymmetric rotor model. 215 @c This evaluation includes the first level structures of {+227}Fr and 215 2c {+227}Th. Levels in {+227}Fr are from {+227}Rn |b- decay (1997Ku20); 215 3c those in {+227}Th, are from {+231}U |a decay, from {+227}Pa 215 4c electron-capture decay, and from {+226}Ra(|a,3n|g) 215 5c (1997Mu08,1995Li04,1998Ma83). 215 @c A study of the |b- decay of a mass-separated source of {+231}Fr has 215 2c produced the first level scheme of {+231}Ra (2001Fr05). 215 @c The only published data (1994Br36,1996Le01) on the electron-capture 215 2c decay of {+231}U have provided much information on the level structure 215 3c of {+231}Pa. Studies on {+232}Th(p,2n|g) and Coulomb Excitation of 215 4c {+231}Pa (1996Le01,1999Wu05), which have complemented the existing 215 6c spectroscopic data from these reactions, have suggested the 215 7c possibility of weak octupole correlations in {+231}Pa. 215 @c A new isotope of plutonium, {+231}Pu (1999La14), has been included in 215 2c this evaluation. 215 c CUT$All data received by May 2001 have been evaluated. 215 c COMM$The alpha hindrance factors (HF) presented in this evaluation 215 3c have been calculated using values of the radius parameter (r{-0}) 215 4c interpolated from those for even-even adjacent nuclei given by 215 5c 1998Ak04. 215 @c The {ILimitation of Relative Statistical Weight (LWM)} method 215 2c (1985ZiZY) has been used for discrepant data throughout this 215 3c evaluation. 215 c FUND$This work was supported by the Director, Office of Energy 215 xc Research, Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Physics 215 xc Division of the US Department of Energy under contract 215 xc DE-AC03-76SF00098. 215 C CIT$NDS 93, 763 (2001) 215 REFERENCES 01NDS 200110 215 R 1942WA04 JOUR PRLAA 181 183 215 R 1944KA01 JOUR ZEPYA 123 51 215 R 1944KA02 JOUR NATWA 32 44 215 R 1950AV61 JOUR JPRAA 11 521 215 R 1951ME10 JOUR PHRVA 81 782 215 R 1952ME13 JOUR PHRVA 85 429 215 R 1953HY83 JOUR PHRVA 90 267 215 R 1955AD09 JOUR COREA 240 2138 215 R 1957PA07 JOUR HPACA 30 272 215 R 1957PI31 THESIS R C Pilger,Univ California 215 R 1961BR32 JOUR JPRAA 22 680 215 R 1961GR43 REPT UCRL-10023,P50,Griffioen 215 R 1961RY02 JOUR HPACA 34 240 215 R 1961VO06 JOUR IANFA 25 1188 215 R 1962GI04 JOUR NUCIA 25 1314 215 R 1962GR20 JOUR BAPSA 7 541,K5,Griffioen 215 R 1962WA18 JOUR NUPHA 35 232 215 R 1965CL05 THESIS S Cluzeau,Univ Bordeaux 215 R 1965NU03 JOUR AAFPA 167 215 R 1965VA10 JOUR AAFPA VI 184 215 R 1966GR07 JOUR JINCA 28 933 215 R 1966PO02 PC P Polak 215 R 1967DA20 JOUR CHDBA 265B 822 215 R 1967LE05 JOUR NUPAB A96 689 215 R 1968BA73 JOUR JPQSA No1 181 215 R 1968BR17 JOUR CHDBA 266B 1533 215 R 1968GR07 JOUR JOPQA 29 141 215 R 1968VA04 JOUR PHRVA 167 1094 215 R 1968VA18 JOUR PHRVA 176 1377 215 R 1969BE67 JOUR JOPQA 30 909 215 R 1969HA32 JOUR PHRVA 182 1329 215 R 1970BO13 JOUR PRVCA C2 1841 215 R 1970DA09 JOUR NUPAB A149 385 215 R 1970KR08 JOUR NUPAB A157 456 215 R 1970TO08 JOUR NUPAB A155 235 215 R 1970VA13 JOUR PRVCB C1 2115 215 R 1971ER02 JOUR NUIMA 92 45 215 R 1971GR17 JOUR MTRGA 7 65 215 R 1972HEYM REPT NP-19781 215 R 1973HA32 JOUR PRLTA 31 323 215 R 1973HAZO REPT AECL-4595 P19 215 R 1973TA30 JOUR ADNDA 12 101 215 R 1974BO11 JOUR NUPAB A220 367 215 R 1974NO02 JOUR PRVCA C9 1168 215 R 1976BL13 JOUR NUKLA 21 935 215 R 1977MA30 JOUR NDSBA 22 223 215 R 1979SC09 JOUR NUPAB A318 253 215 R 1982BO04 JOUR PRVCA 25 941 215 R 1983DE08 JOUR ZPAAD 310 55 215 R 1983FU10 JOUR NUPAB 404 509 215 R 1983LO06 JOUR PYLBB 121 227 215 R 1983LO16 JOUR PHSTB 28 459 215 R 1984DE16 JOUR NUPAB 419 163 215 R 1984SC25 JOUR JPHGB 10 1201 215 R 1985BE05 JOUR PHSTB 31 26 215 R 1985DR04 JOUR PRVCA 32 136 215 R 1985ZIZY REPT ECN FYS/RASA-85/19,Zijp 215 R 1987ADZU REPT INS Tokyo 1986 Ann,P35,Adachi 215 R 1987EL02 JOUR JPHGB 13 93 215 R 1987FAZS CONF Rosseau Lake(Nuclei Far from Stability) Contrib,K12,Faest 215 R 1988FU10 JOUR JUPSA 57 2976 215 R 1989BU09 JOUR ZPAAD 333 131 215 R 1989DR02 JOUR NUPAB 493 145 215 R 1989HA26 JOUR PRVCA 40 1234 215 R 1989MI17 JOUR NUPAB 501 557 215 R 1989RA17 JOUR ADNDA 42 189 215 R 1990RU02 JOUR JPGPE 16 255 215 R 1991AN10 JOUR ZPAAD 338 363 215 R 1991AN13 JOUR YAFIA 53 895 215 R 1991RY01 JOUR ADNDA 47 205 215 R 1992KU03 JOUR NUPAB 539 451 215 R 1992SC26 JOUR HYIND 75 423 215 R 1993AN07 JOUR ZPAAD 345 247 215 R 1993LI07 JOUR PRVCA 47 1801 215 R 1994ANZY CONF Kharkov,P85,Andreev 215 R 1994BR36 JOUR NIMAE 339 209 215 R 1994SH02 JOUR PRVCA 49 725 215 R 1994YE08 JOUR NIMAE 350 608 215 R 1995AU04 JOUR NUPAB 595 409 215 R 1995LI04 JOUR PRVCA 51 1199 215 R 1995SH03 JOUR PRVCA 51 1708 215 R 1996LE01 JOUR NUPAB 598 11 215 R 1997KU20 JOUR NUPAB 621 827 215 R 1997MO25 JOUR ADNDA 66 131 215 R 1997MU08 JOUR PRVCA 55 2267 215 R 1998AK04 JOUR NDSBA 84 1 215 R 1998MA83 JOUR ZAANE 3 263 215 R 1998ST24 JOUR NUPAB 641 401 215 R 1999LA14 JOUR PRVCA 59 3086 215 R 1999LI05 JOUR PRVCA 59 648 215 R 1999WU05 JOUR APOBB 30 1313 215 R 2000HE17 JOUR ZAANE 8 521 215 R 2000NI02 JOUR PRVCA 61 034309 215 R 2001FR05 JOUR NUPAB 686 71 215 R 2001FRZZ PC S Franchoo 215HG COMMENTS 201105 215HG H TYP=FUL$AUT=BALRAJ SINGH AND MICHAEL BIRCH$CIT=ENSDF$CUT=15-MAY-2011$ 215HG C TITL$NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS FOR 215HG 215HG c AUTH$BALRAJ SINGH AND MICHAEL BIRCH 215HG c INST$Department of Physics and Astronomy, 215HG#c McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 215HG#c Canada, L8S 4M1 215HG c ABST$ Information about the identification and production of the 215HG2c {+215}Hg nuclide is presented. 215HG c CUT$Literature available up to May 15, 2011 has been consulted. 215HG C CIT$ENSDF 215HG c FUND$ 215HG ADOPTED LEVELS 201105 215HG H TYP=FUL$AUT=BALRAJ SINGH AND MICHAEL BIRCH$CIT=ENSDF$CUT=15-MAY-2011$ 215HG Q 6250 SY 2940 SY 10880 CA 990 CA 2011AUZZ,1997MO25 215HG CQ $ Estimated uncertainties in 2011AuZZ: 500 for Q-, 570 for SN 215HG CQ $ Q-, and SN from 2011AuZZ, SP and QA from 1997Mo25 215HG CQ $ Q(B-N)=1730 500, ^S(2n)=7630 500 (syst,2011AuZZ), 215HG2CQ ^S(2p)=20780 (1997Mo25,calculated) 215HG c 2010Al24: {+215}Hg nuclide identified in {+9}Be({+238}U,X) reaction 215HG2c with a beam energy of 1 GeV/nucleon produced by the SIS synchrotron 215HG3c at GSI facility. Target=2500 mg/cm{+2}. The fragment residues were 215HG4c analyzed with the high resolving power magnetic spectrometer Fragment 215HG5c separator (FRS). The identification of nuclei was made on the basis of 215HG6c magnetic rigidity, velocity, time-of-flight, energy loss and atomic 215HG7c number of the fragments using two plastic scintillators and two 215HG8c multisampling ionization chambers. The FRS magnet was tuned to 215HG9c center on {+210}Au, {+216}Pb, {+219}Pb, {+227}At and {+229}At 215HGAc nuclei along the central trajectory of FRS. 215HG c Unambiguous identification of nuclides required the separation of 215HG2c different charge states of the nuclei passing through the FRS. At 215HG3c 1 GeV/nucleon incident energy of {+238}U, fraction of fully stripped 215HG4c {+226}Po nuclei was about 89%. Through the measurement of difference in 215HG5c magnetic rigidity in the two sections of the FRS and the difference 215HG6c in energy loss in the two ionization chambers, the charge state of 215HG7c the transmitted nuclei was determined, especially, that of the singly 215HG8c charged (hydrogen-like) nuclei which preserved their charge in the 215HG9c current experimental setup. Measured production cross sections with 215HGAc 10% statistical and 20% systematic uncertainties 215HG c Criterion established in 2010Al24 for acceptance of identification of 215HG2c a new nuclide: 1. number of events should be compatible with the 215HG3c corresponding mass and atomic number located in the expected range 215HG4c of positions at both image planes of the FRS spectrometer; 2. number 215HG5c of events should be compatible with >95% probability that at least 215HG6c one of the counts does not correspond to a charge-state contaminant. 215HG7c Comparisons of measured |s with model predictions using the 215HG8c computer codes COFRA and EPAX. 215HG L 0 300 NS GT 215HG2 L %B-=? $ %B-N=? 215HG cL $ Production |s=61.8 pb (from e-mail reply of Oct 29, 2010 from 215HG2cL H. Alvarez-Pol, which also stated that further analysis was in 215HG3cL progress) 215HG cL $The |b{+-} and delayed neutron decay are the only decay modes expected 215HG CL $ Calculated %B-N=4.2 (1997Mo25) 215HG cL E$ the observed fragments are assumed to be in the ground state of 215HG2cL {+215}Hg nuclei 215HG cL $ From A/Z plot (figure 1 in 2010Al24), 4 or 5 events are assigned to 215HG2cL {+215}Hg 215HG cL T$ lower limit from time-of-flight as given in 2006Ca30 for a similar 215HG2cL setup. Actual half-life is expected to be much larger as suggested by 215HG3cL the calculated value of 0.25 s for |b decay and >10{+20} for |a decay 215HG4cL (1997Mo25), and systematic value of 1 s for |b decay (2011AuZY) 215HG cL J$ 3/2+ from systematics (2011AuZY), and 9/2+ predicted in 1997Mo25 215HG2cL calculations 215HG cL $ Production cross section measured in 2010Al24, values are given 215HG2cL in figure 2, plot of |s versus mass number of Hg isotopes. 215HG3cL Statistical uncertainty=10%, systematic uncertainty=20% 215TL COMMENTS 201105 215TL H TYP=FUL$AUT=BALRAJ SINGH AND MICHAEL BIRCH$CIT=ENSDF$CUT=15-MAY-2011$ 215TL C TITL$NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS FOR 215TL 215TL c AUTH$BALRAJ SINGH AND MICHAEL BIRCH 215TL c INST$Department of Physics and Astronomy, 215TL#c McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 215TL#c Canada, L8S 4M1 215TL c ABST$ Information about the identification and production of the 215TL2c {+215}Tl nuclide is presented. 215TL c CUT$Literature available up to May 15, 2011 has been consulted. 215TL C CIT$ENSDF 215TL c FUND$ 215TL ADOPTED LEVELS 201105 215TL H TYP=FUL$AUT=BALRAJ SINGH AND MICHAEL BIRCH$CIT=ENSDF$CUT=15-MAY-2011$ 215TL Q 5520 SY 4520 SY 8410 SY 1810 CA 2011AUZZ,1997MO25 215TL CQ $ Estimated uncertainties in 2011AuZZ: 410 for Q-, 420 for SN, 215TL2CQ 500 for SP 215TL CQ $ Q-, SN and SP from 2011AuZZ, QA from 1997MO25 215TL CQ $ Q(B-N)=2170 300, ^S(2n)=7850 300 (syst,2011AuZZ), 215TL2CQ ^S(2p)=19580 (1997Mo25,calculated) 215TL c 2010Al24: {+215}Tl nuclide identified in {+9}Be({+238}U,X) reaction 215TL2c with a beam energy of 1 GeV/nucleon produced by the SIS synchrotron 215TL3c at GSI facility. Target=2500 mg/cm{+2}. The fragment residues were 215TL4c analyzed with the high resolving power magnetic spectrometer Fragment 215TL5c separator (FRS). The identification of nuclei was made on the basis of 215TL6c magnetic rigidity, velocity, time-of-flight, energy loss and atomic 215TL7c number of the fragments using two plastic scintillators and two 215TL8c multisampling ionization chambers. The FRS magnet was tuned to 215TL9c center on {+210}Au, {+216}Pb, {+219}Pb, {+227}At and {+229}At 215TLAc nuclei along the central trajectory of FRS. 215TL c Unambiguous identification of nuclides required the separation of 215TL2c different charge states of the nuclei passing through the FRS. At 215TL3c 1 GeV/nucleon incident energy of {+238}U, fraction of fully stripped 215TL4c {+226}Po nuclei was about 89%. Through the measurement of difference in 215TL5c magnetic rigidity in the two sections of the FRS and the difference 215TL6c in energy loss in the two ionization chambers, the charge state of 215TL7c the transmitted nuclei was determined, especially, that of the singly 215TL8c charged (hydrogen-like) nuclei which preserved their charge in the 215TL9c current experimental setup. Measured production cross sections with 215TLAc 10% statistical and 20% systematic uncertainties 215TL c Criterion established in 2010Al24 for acceptance of identification of 215TL2c a new nuclide: 1. number of events should be compatible with the 215TL3c corresponding mass and atomic number located in the expected range 215TL4c of positions at both image planes of the FRS spectrometer; 2. number 215TL5c of events should be compatible with >95% probability that at least 215TL6c one of the counts does not correspond to a charge-state contaminant. 215TL7c Comparisons of measured |s with model predictions using the 215TL8c computer codes COFRA and EPAX. 215TL L 0 300 NS GT 215TL2 L %B-=? $ %B-N=? 215TL cL $ Production |s=0.877 nb (from e-mail reply of Oct 29, 2010 from 215TL2cL H. Alvarez-Pol, which also stated that further analysis was in 215TL3cL progress) 215TL cL $ From A/Z plot (figure 1 in 2010Al24), |? 35 events are assigned to 215TL2cL {+215}Tl 215TL cL E$ the observed fragments are assumed to be in the ground state of 215TL2cL {+215}Tl nuclei 215TL cL $The |b{+-} and delayed neutron decay are the only decay modes expected 215TL CL $ Calculated %B-N=99 (1997Mo25) 215TL cL T$ lower limit from time-of-flight as given in 2006Ca30 for a similar 215TL2cL setup. Actual half-life is expected to be much larger as suggested by 215TL3cL the calculated value of 20 s for |b decay and >10{+20} s for |a decay 215TL4cL (1997Mo25), and systematic value of 5 s for |b decay (2011AuZY) 215TL cL J$ 1/2+ predicted in 1997Mo25 calculations, and from 215TL2cL systematics (2011AuZY) 215TL cL $ Production cross section measured in 2010Al24, values are given 215TL2cL in figure 2, plot of |s versus mass number for Tl isotopes. 215TL3cL Statistical uncertainty=10%, systematic uncertainty=20% 215PB COMMENTS ENSDF 201109 215PB H TYP=FUL$AUT=BALRAJ SINGH AND MICHAEL BIRCH$CIT=ENSDF$CUT=15-AUG-2011$ 215PB C TITL$NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS FOR 215PB 215PB c AUTH$BALRAJ SINGH AND MICHAEL BIRCH 215PB c INST$Department of Physics and Astronomy, 215PB#c McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, 215PB#c Canada, L8S 4M1 215PB c ABST$Information about the identification, production and half-life of 215PB2c the {+215}Pb nuclide is presented. 215PB c CUT$Literature available up to August 15, 2011 has been consulted. 215PB C CIT$ENSDF 215PB c FUND$ Work supported by the office of Science, DOE, USA and by NSERC of 215PB2c Canada. 215PB ADOPTED LEVELS ENSDF 201109 215PB H TYP=FUL$AUT=BALRAJ SINGH AND MICHAEL BIRCH$CIT=ENSDF$CUT=15-AUG-2011$ 215PB Q 2890 SY 3350 SY 9260 SY 2580 SY 2011AUZZ 215PB cQ $Estimated uncertainties in 2011AuZZ: 280 for Q(|b{+-}) and S(n) 215PB2cQ 410 for S(p), 340 for Q(|a) 215PB cQ $S(2n)=8410 {I280}, S(2p)=17840 {I410} (syst,2011AuZZ) 215PB cQ $Values in 2003Au03: Q(|b{+-})=2830 {I410}, S(n)=3410 {I410}, 215PB2cQ S(2n)=8480 {I410}; all from systematics 215PB c Although 2010Al24 claim to identify {+215}Pb for the first time, 215PB2c however, as explained below, there have been several previous reports 215PB3c from GSI and ISOLDE, CERN groups where this isotope was identified, 215PB4c produced, and half-life measured, for example in 1998Pf02 and in 215PB5c thesis by 2004DeZV 215PB c 1998Pf02: GSI group: {+9}Be({+238}U,X),E=1 GeV/nucleon. Identification 215PB2c of {+215}Pb by time-of-flight, energy loss, and B|r measurements; 215PB3c FRS separator. Measured cross section 215PB c 1998RyZY,1998Va13,2003Ku26: ISOLDE, CERN group: 1998RyZY: reported 215PB2c tentative identification of {+215}Pb with T{-1/2}=36.5 s formed in 215PB3c {+232}Th(p,X) at 1 GeV from the observation of a |g cascade in 215PB4c {+215}Bi. This was also mentioned briefly in 1998Va13. But later, in 215PB5c 2003Ku26, using RILIS source, this activity was reassigned to a 215PB6c high-spin isomer in {+215}Bi. However, 2003Ku26 stated that {+215}Pb 215PB7c isotope had been identified and that its study would be published 215PB8c elsewhere (reference 11 in 2003Ku26). In 2003Ko26, yield in Th(p,X) 215PB9c E=1 GeV reaction and using RILIS source, was reported (in figure 4 of 215PBAc 2003Ko26) as 0.3 |mCi. In Fall 2002 Newsletter of ISOLDE, CERN, a short 215PBBc article by S. Franchoo quoted the half-life of {+215}Pb as 147 s {I12} 215PBCc (value also listed in 2011AuZY: NUBASE). Note that in 2003Au02 215PBDc (NUBASE), and in 2005 Nuclear Wallet cards, T{-1/2} is listed as 215PBFc 36 s {i1}, a value based on a report by 1998RyZY, which has since been 215PBGc refuted in 2003Ku26. Confirmatory details of the ISOLDE, CERN group 215PBHc are reported in thesis by 2004DeZV, where half-life of {+215}Pb from 215PBIc |g-decay and the decay scheme of {+215}Pb to {+215}Bi are presented. 215PBJc This thesis was brought to the evaluators' attention by Professor 215PBKc P. van Duppen in e-mail exchanges of June 2011. 215PB c 2004DeZV: {+215}Pb produced via the reaction {+238}U(p,X) with 215PB2c E(p)=1.4 GeV, ionized by the Resonance ionization laser ion source 215PB3c (RILIS) and separated using the ISOLDE on-line mass separator. Detector 215PB4c system included an Si-detector for |a-particles, one LEGe and two HPGe 215PB6c detectors for X-rays and |g-rays, as well as a plastic scintillator 215PB7c |DE detector for |b-particles. Measured E|g, I|g, I|b, |b|g and |g|g 215PB8c coincidence. Deduced levels in {+215}Bi, T{-1/2}. 215PB c 2010Al24: {+215}Pb nuclide identified in {+9}Be({+238}U,X) reaction 215PB2c with a beam energy of 1 GeV/nucleon produced by the SIS synchrotron 215PB3c at GSI facility. Target=2500 mg/cm{+2}. The fragment residues were 215PB4c analyzed with the high resolving power magnetic spectrometer Fragment 215PB5c separator (FRS). The identification of nuclei was made on the basis of 215PB6c magnetic rigidity, velocity, time-of-flight, energy loss and atomic 215PB7c number of the fragments using two plastic scintillators and two 215PB8c multisampling ionization chambers. The FRS magnet was tuned to 215PB9c center on {+210}Au, {+216}Pb, {+219}Pb, {+227}At and {+229}At 215PBAc nuclei along the central trajectory of FRS. See also an earlier 215PBBc report 2009Al32 from the same group as 2010Al24. 215PBCc Unambiguous identification of nuclides required the separation of 215PBDc different charge states of the nuclei passing through the FRS. At 215PBEc 1 GeV/nucleon incident energy of {+238}U, fraction of fully stripped 215PBFc {+226}Po nuclei was about 89%. Through the measurement of difference in 215PBGc magnetic rigidity in the two sections of the FRS and the difference 215PBHc in energy loss in the two ionization chambers, the charge state of 215PBIc the transmitted nuclei was determined, especially, that of the singly 215PBJc charged (hydrogen-like) nuclei which preserved their charge in the 215PBKc current experimental setup. Measured production cross sections with 215PBLc 10% statistical and 20% systematic uncertainties. 215PBMc Criterion established in 2010Al24 for acceptance of identification of 215PBNc a new nuclide: 1. number of events should be compatible with the 215PBOc corresponding mass and atomic number located in the expected range 215PBPc of positions at both image planes of the FRS spectrometer; 2. number 215PBQc of events should be compatible with >95% probability that at least 215PBRc one of the counts does not correspond to a charge-state contaminant. 215PBSc Comparisons of measured |s with model predictions using the 215PBTc computer codes COFRA and EPAX. 215PB c Nuclear structure calculations: 215PB c 2008Ma17: HFB calculations of binding energy, two-neutron separation 215PB2c energy, odd-even mass staggering and pairing gaps. 215PB c 2003Bo06: calculated T{-1/2} using Shell model and quasiparticle RPA 215PB c 1987Sa51: calculated isotope shifts, B(E2) 215PB L 0 147 S 12 215PB2 L %B-=100 215PB cL E$ the observed fragments are assumed to be in the ground state of 215PB2cL {+215}Pb nuclei 215PB cL T$ from decay curves of |g rays (2004DeZV), consistent with the 215PB2cL calculated value >100 s (1997Mo25) for |b decay 215PB cL J$ 7/2 predicted in 1997Mo25 calculations; 215PB2cL 9/2+ from systematics (2011AuZY) 215PB cL $ From A/Z plot (figure 1 in 2010Al24), a large number (certainly 215PB2cL more than few hundreds) of events are assigned to 215PB3cL {+215}Pb. In 1998Pf02, number of events in figure 1 seems about 60. 215PB cL $The |b{+-} decay is the only decay mode expected, and observed 215PB2cL in 2004DeZV 215PB cL $ Production |s=51.7 nb (from e-mail reply of Oct 29, 2010 from 215PB2cL H. Alvarez-Pol, which also stated that further analysis was in 215PB3cL progress); 90 nb {I20} (1998Pf02). Production cross sections measured 215PB4cL in 2010Al24 are given in authors' figure 2, plot of |s versus mass 215PB5cL number for Pb isotopes. Statistical uncertainty=10%, 215PB6cL systematic uncertainty=20% 215BI ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 01NDS 200110 215BI H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215BI Q 2.25E+3 105.15E+3 105.39E+3 10 5200 AP 1995AU04 215BI CQ QA estimated by evaluator from 1995AU04. 215BI C Descendant of 227AC (1953HY83,1965NU03). Parent of 215PO (1953HY83). 215BI C Source produced by spallation of 200-MEV protons on targets of 232TH. 215BI2C 215BI(7.6 min) activity was identified by mass separation and by the 215BI3C observation of known G rays in the daughter nucleus 215PO (1990RU02). 215BI C 215BI(36.4 s) activity was produced by spallation of 1-GeV protons 215BI2C on targets of 238U. The activity was identified by mass separation 215BI3C and resonant laser ionization (2001FRZZ). 215BI CG E$From 215BI IT DECAY (36.4 S) 215BI XA219AT A DECAY 215BI XB215BI IT DECAY (36.4 S) 215BI L 0.0 (9/2-) 7.6 M 2 215BIX L XREF=AB 215BI CL T$weighted average of 7.7 MIN 2 (1990RU02), 7.5 MIN 4 (1989BU09), and 215BI2CL 7.4 MIN 6 (1965NU03). Other value: 8 MIN 2 (1953HY83). 215BI CL J$analogy to 209BI, 211BI, and 213BI suggests |ph{-9/2} 215BI2CL configuration. Strong 293-keV G ray suggests significant B- feeding 215BI3CL to 293-keV (11/2)+ level and corroborates this configuration 215BI4CL assignment. 215BI2 L %B-=100 215BI CL B- particles were detected in a 4PI plastic scintillator 215BI2CL (1990RU02). B- decay had been previously inferred by measurements of 215BI3CL the ALPHA decay of the 215PO daughter nucleus (1953HY83). 215BI4CL %A AP 8.E-5 from systematics of ALPHA branching versus QA for 212BI, 215BI5CL 213BI, and 214BI. 215BI L 746.6 (13/2-) ? 215BIX L XREF=B 215BI G 746.6 ? 215BI L 1160.7 (17/2-) ? 215BIX L XREF=B 215BI G 414.1 ? 215BI L 1347.5 (25/2-) 36.4 S M ? 215BIX L XREF=B 215BI CL J$Possible configuration= [|ph{-9/2} + |n(g{-9/2}){+6}{-8+}]{-25/2-}. 215BI2 L %IT=?$%B-=? 215BI G 186.8 ? 215BI 215BI IT DECAY (36.4 S) 2001FRZZ 01NDS 200110 215BI H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215BI C 215BI(36.4 s) activity was produced by spallation of 1-GeV protons 215BI2C on targets of 238U. The activity was identified by mass separation 215BI3C and resonant laser ionization. 215BI CG E$Measured BGG X COIN. Detector: plastic scintillator, hi-purity 215BI2CG germanium. 215BI P 1347.5 (25/2-) 36.4 S 215BI L 0.0 (9/2-) 7.6 M 2 215BI L 746.6 (13/2-) ? 215BI G 746.6 ? 215BI L 1160.7 (17/2-) ? 215BI G 414.1 ? 215BI L 1347.5 (25/2-) 36.4 S M ? 215BI CL J$Possible configuration= [|ph{-9/2} + |n(g{-9/2}){+6}{-8+}]{-25/2-}. 215BI G 186.8 ? 215BI 219AT A DECAY 1953HY83 01NDS 200110 215BI H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215BI CA Measured EA. Detector: ion chamber. 219AT P 0.0 56 S 3 6390 50 215BI N 0.97 AP 215BI A 6275 50 100 215BI CA E original energy of 1953HY83 has been increased by 5 KEV 215BI2CA because of a change in the calibration energy of 211BI ALPHA particles 215BI3CA from 6618 and 6272 KEV to 6622.9 and 6278.2 KEV, respectively 215BIxCA (1991RY01). 215PO ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 01NDS 200110 215PO H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215PO XA219RN A DECAY 215PO XB215BI B- DECAY 215PO Q 720 7 4132 3 6622 11 7526.4 8 1995AU04 215PO CL E From 219RN A DECAY. 215PO CG E,RI,M,MR$From 219RN A DECAY. 215PO CG M$From conversion electron data in 219RN A decay, although no 215PO3CG specific electron intensities are given (1999LI05). 215PO CL E(A)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}){+5} 215PO CL E(B)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}){+4} (|ni{-11/2}) 215PO L 0.0 9/2+ 1.781 MS 4 A 215POX L XREF=AB 215PO CL T$weighted average of 1.778 MS 5 (1961VO06), and 1.784 MS 6 (1971ER02). 215PO2CL Other value: 1.83 MS 4 (1942WA04). 215PO CL J favored ALPHA decay (HF=1.4) to 211PB (JPI=9/2+). 215PO2 L %A=99.99977 2$%B-=2.3E-4 2 215PO CL %B- from 1950AV61. Other values: %B- AP 5E-4 215PO2CL (1944KA01,1944KA02); %B- AP 4E-4 (1955AD09). 215PO L 271.228 10 7/2+ 195 PS 15 A 215POX L XREF=AB 215PO CL T ACE(T) coin (1974BO11). Other value: LT 250 PS (1969BE67). 215PO CL J 271.2G M1+E2 to 9/2+, 130.6G M1+E2 from 5/2+. 215PO G 271.23 1 100 M1+E2 3.7 4 0.210 6 215POB G BM1W=0.00032 7$BE2W=19.9 16 215PO L 293.56 4 (11/2)+ B 215POX L XREF=AB 215PO CL J$293G M1(+E2) to 9/2+. 215PO G 293.56 4 100 M1(+E2) 0.35 21 215PO CG CC$for MR=1.0, assumed by evaluator. 215PO L 401.812 10 5/2+ 66 PS 7 A 215POX L XREF=AB 215PO CL J favored ALPHA decay (HF=3.4) from 219RN (JPI=5/2+). 215PO CL T from T(402 level)/T(271 level)=0.336 23 (DOPPLER shift 215PO2CL measurement in 219RN A DECAY) and using T(271 level)=195 PS 15 215PO3CL (1974BO11). 215PO G 130.60 3 2 1 M1+E2 0.64 6 4.55 12 215POB G BM1W=0.0017 3$BE2W=14 3 215PO G 401.81 1 100 3 E2 0.0561 215POB G BE2W=9.2 11 215PO L 517.60 6 7/2+,9/2+ B 215POX L XREF=AB 215PO CL J 517.6G M1(+E2) to 9/2+, 224.0G to (11/2)+. JPI=7/2+ member of 215PO2CL possible configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}){+4} (|ni{-11/2}) 215PO G 224.0 7 3.2 5 ? 215PO G 517.63 6 100 5 M1(+E2) 0.08 5 215PO CG CC$for MR=1.0, assumed by evaluator. 215PO L 608.30 7 (11/2+,13/2+) A 215POX L XREF=A 215PO CL J 608.3G to 9/2+ and no gamma rays to 7/2+, 5/2+. Possible 215PO2CL JPI=13/2+ member of configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}){+5}. 215PO G 608.3 2 100 215PO L 676.66 7 215POX L XREF=AB 215PO G 383.1 6 2.5 4 215PO G 405.4 6 1.4 3 215PO G 676.64 7 100 13 215PO L 708.1 5 215POX L XREF=A 215PO G 436.9 6 93 7 215PO G 708.1 8 100 30 215PO L 732.7 4 215POX L XREF=A 215PO G 330.8 4 100 11 215PO G 461.6 8 17 3 215PO G 732.8 10 7 4 215PO L 835.32 22 215POX L XREF=AB 215PO G 564.1 3 93 20 215PO G 835.3 3 100 20 215PO L 877.2 6 215POX L XREF=A 215PO G 877.2 6 100 215PO L 891.1 3 215POX L XREF=A 215PO G 373.5 6 33 4 215PO G 489.3 5 83 11 215PO G 619.9 6 43 14 215PO G 891.1 4 100 29 215PO L 930 1 215POX L XREF=A 215PO G 321.8 10 100 215PO L 1073.7 4 (5/2+) 215POX L XREF=A 215PO CL J low ALPHA hindrance factor (HF=31). Level belongs to possible 215PO2CL ground state configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}){+5} 215PO G 556.1 10 1.7E1 10 215PO G 671.9 6 0.7E2 3 215PO G 802.5 6 1.0E2 3 215PO G 1073.7 6 1.0E2 3 215PO L 1094.2 10 215POX L XREF=A 215PO G 576.6 10 100 215PO 215BI B- DECAY 1990RU02 01NDS 200110 215PO H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215PO CG 215BI mass-separated source produced by spallation of 200-MEV 215PO2CG protons on targets of 232TH. Measured EG, RI, GG coin, BG coin. 215PO3CG Detectors: 4PI plastic scintillator, GELI. 215PO CG B- feeding to 215PO GS has not been determined, so the decay 215PO2CG scheme normalization was not deduced. 215PO CG E(A)$Assignment of this transition to 215BI B- decay was confirmed by 215PO2CG its coincidence with PO x rays, and also by its decay rate, which is 215PO3CG consistent with a half-life of 7.7 MIN for 215BI. 215PO CG E$All G-ray transitions given here have been previously observed in the 215PO2CG ALPHA decay of 219RN. 215PO CL E From G-ray energies. 215PO CL J From adopted levels. 215BI P 0.0 7.7 M 2 2.25E+3 10 215PO N 1.0 215PO PN 5 215PO L 0.0 9/2+ 215PO L 271.7 1 7/2+ 215PO G 271.7 1 55 5 A 215PO L 293.74 5 (11/2)+ 215PO G 293.74 5 1000 70 A 215PO L 402.4 3 5/2+ 215PO G 402.4 3 10 4 215PO L 517.6 2 7/2+,9/2+ 215PO G 517.6 2 19 3 215PO L 676.5 3 215PO G 676.5 3 6 2 215PO L 835.5 3 215PO G 564.1 3 13 3 215PO G 835.2 3 14 3 215PO 219RN A DECAY 1999LI05,1976BL13,1970KR0801NDS 200110 215PO H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215PO CL E$Deduced by evaluator from a least-squares fit to G rays from 215PO2CL 1999LI05, 1976BL13, 1970KR08, 1970DA09, 1968BR17, and 1967DA20. 215PO CL J From adopted levels. 215PO CG 1976BL13: precise measurement of EG, RI. Detector: GE(LI). 215PO CG 1970KR08: measured EG, RI, AG(THETA), AG(lin pol, THETA), 215PO2CG ICE. Detectors: GE(LI), magnetic spectrometer. 215PO CG 1970DA09: measured EG, RI, GG coin, ICE. Detectors: GE(LI), 215PO2CG scint, magnetic spectrometer. 215PO CG 1968BR17, 1967DA20: measured EG, RI. Detector: GE(LI). 215PO CG 1999LI05: measured EG, RI, ICE, AG coin, |ae coin. 215PO2CG Detectors: Ge, SI(LI). 215PO CG Others: 1972HEYM, 1969BE67, 1966PO02, 1965VA10, 1957PA07, 215POxCG 1957PI31. 215PO CG For AG(THETA) measurements see: 1972HEYM, 1970KR08, 1970DA09, 215PO2CG 1969BE67, 1967LE05, 1965CL05, and 1961BR32. 215PO CG For AG linear polarization correlations and GG(THETA) 215PO2CG measurements see 1970KR08. 215PO CG E,RI$Weighted average from 1999LI05, 1976BL13, 1970KR08, 1970DA09, 215PO2CG 1968BR17, and 1967DA20. 215PO CA E(D) From 1971GR17, detector: magnetic spectrometer. 215PO2CA Adjusted value as recommended by 1991RY01. 215PO CA IA(E) From 1962WA18, detector: magnetic spectrograph. 215PO2CA Adjusted value as recommended by 1991RY01. 215PO CA Values of EA from 1962WA18 given in comments were measured 215PO2CA with a magnetic spectrograph. Original 215PO3CA EA values have been increased by evaluator an average of 1.5 KEV 215PO4CA because of changes in the calibration energies of 215PO and 211BI 215PO5CA (1977MA30). 215PO CA ALPHA particle energies of 1957PI31 presented in comments 215PO2CA have been increased by 3 KEV because of a change in the calibration 215PO3CA energy of 242CM (1977MA30). Other: 1992SC26. 215PO CA E(F),IA(F)$From 1999LI05. 215PO CA HF$Using R0(215PO)=1.557, average of R0(214PO)=1.559 and 215PO2CA R0(216PO)=1.555 (1998AK04). 215PO CL E(A)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}){+5} 215PO CL E(B)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}){+4} (|ni{-11/2}) 215PO CG CC(X)$For MR=1.0, assumed by evaluator. 215PO CG E(W)$Uncertain G ray. 219RN P 0.0 5/2+ 3.96 S 1 6946.1 3 215PO N 0.108 6 1.0 1.0 215PO PN 3 215PO CN NR from RI(271G, 219RN)/RI(269G, 223RA)=0.786 42, measured from 215PO2CN a 223RA source with 219RN in equilibrium (1976BL13), and using 215PO3CN %IG(269G, 223RA)=13.7 2 (see 223RA A DECAY). 215PO4CN The excellent agreement of the ALPHA-particle abundances to the 215PO5CN GS, 271, and 402 levels (deduced from G-ray transition intensity 215PO6CN balances) with values measured directly confirm the quality of the 215PO7CN G-ray data and that of the decay scheme normalization. 215PO G 221.5 3 0.28 4 W 215PO CG This G ray has been assigned by 1968BR17 and 1970KR08 to the 215PO2CG decay of 223RA, and by 1970DA09 to the decay of 219RN (1977MA30). 215PO3CG Not seen by 1999LI05. 215PO G 324.9 10 0.06 LT W 215PO CG E,RI$from 1967DA20. Not seen by 1999LI05. 215PO G 337.7 10 0.08 2 W 215PO CG Not seen by 1999LI05. 215PO G 370.9 15 0.1 LT W 215PO CG E,RI$from 1967DA20. Other value: RI AP 0.02 (1965VA10). Not seen by 215POxCG 1999LI05. 215PO G 380 0.0003 AP W 215PO CG G ray is uncertain (1965VA10). Not seen by 1999LI05. 215PO G 438.2 6 0.28 LT W 215PO CG E,RI$from 1967DA20. Other value: EG=438.7 3, RI=0.48 5 (1968BR17). 215PO2CG 1968BR17 assigned this transition to the decay of 215PO. 1967DA20 215PO3CG suggested (on the basis of AG-coin results of 1965VA10) that the 215PO4CG contribution from 215PO decay is 0.26 LE RI LE 0.44, which establishes 215PO5CG an upper limit of RI AP 0.28 from 219RN decay (1977MA30). Not seen by 215POxCG 1999LI05. 215PO G 538.2 15 0.06 3 215PO CG E,RI$from 1967DA20. Other value: RI AP 0.003 (1965VA10). Not seen by 215PO2CG 1999LI05. 215PO G 1055 2 0.006 3 215PO CG E,RI$from 1967DA20. Other value: RI AP 0.003 (1965VA10). Not seen by 215PO2CG 1999LI05. 215PO L 0.0 9/2+ 1.781 MS 4 A 215PO CL T from adopted levels 215PO A 6819.1 3 79.4 10 11.0 D 215PO2 A FLAG=E 215PO CA Other values: EA=6819.0 (1962WA18,1977MA30). 215PO4CA IA=79.6 10 (1962GI04). EA=6817.6 10 (1961RY02). 215PO5CA EA=6816 2, IA=82 (1957PI31,1977MA30). EA=6819.1 3, IA=79.3 (1999LI05). 215PO CA IA$IA=79.8 12, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO L 271.22810 7/2+ 195 PS 15 A 215PO CL T ACE(T) coin (1974BO11). Other value: LT 250 PS (1969BE67). 215PO A 6552.6 10 12.9 6 6.5 D 215PO2 A FLAG=E 215PO CA Other values: EA=6552.8 (1962WA18,1977MA30). 215PO2CA IA=12.9 6 (1962GI04). EA=6550.9 (1961RY02). EA=6550, IA=13 215PO3CA (1957PI31,1977MA30). EA=6553 1, IA=13 (1999LI05). 215PO CA IA$IA=12.3 9, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 271.23 1 100 2 M1+E2 3.7 4 0.210 6 215POS G KC= 0.118 6$LC= 0.0683 17$MC= 0.0176 4$NC+= 0.00588 15 215PO CG M,MR from CEL1/CEL2 exp=0.516 47, CEL1/CEL3 exp=1.035 92 215PO2CG (1970DA09), and CEK:CEL1:CEL2:CEL3 exp=30.6 9:4.5:8.3 5:3.6 9 215PO3CG (1972HEYM). Other values: EKC=0.107 16, EL3C=0.016 5, CEL3/CEL1+CEL2 215PO4CG exp=0.40 6 (1970KR08). MR=4.0 from conversion electron data not 215PO5CG explicitly given (1999LI05). 215PO CG Other values: EG=271.6, RI=87 (1957PI31), EG=268, RI=11.0 215PO2CG (1957PA07). Other: 1966PO02. 215PO L 293.56 4 (11/2)+ B 215PO A 6530 2 0.12 577 F 215PO CA Other value: EA=6529, IA=0.12 (1962WA18) 215PO CA IA$IA=0.10 1, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 293.56 4 0.68 4 M1(+E2) 0.35 21 X 215POS G KC=0.456$LC=0.0799$MC=0.0188$NC+=0.00630 215PO L 401.81210 5/2+ 66 PS 7 A 215PO CL T from T(402)/T(271)=0.336 23 (DOPPLER shift measurement), and 215PO2CL T(271)=195 PS 15 (1974BO11). 215PO A 6425.0 10 7.5 6 3.4 D 215PO2 A FLAG=E 215PO CA Other values: IA=7.5 5 (1962GI04). EA=6423.9 (1961RY02). 215PO2CA EA=6422, IA=5 (1957PI31,1977MA30). EA=6425 1, IA=7.5 (1999LI05). 215PO CA IA$IA=7.7 7, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 130.60 3 1.2 8 M1+E2 0.64 6 4.65 12 215POS G KC= 3.23 15$LC= 0.99 4$MC= 0.246 11$NC+= 0.084 3 215PO CG Others: 1968BR17, 1965VA10. 215PO CG M,MR from CEL1/CEL2 exp=2.4 5 and CEL1/CEL3 exp=2.8 4 (1970DA09). 215PO2CG MR=1.7 from conversion electron data not explicitly given (1999LI05). 215PO G 401.81 1 61 2 E2 0.0561 215POS G KC= 0.0354 $LC= 0.0155 $MC= 0.00396 $NC+= 0.00132 215PO CG Other values: EG=401, RI=77 (1966PO02); EG=400.6, RI=48 215PO2CG (1957PI31). Others: 1965VA10, 1957PA07. 215PO CG M from EKC=0.027 12 and CEK/CEL3 exp=7 2 (1970KR08). Other: 215PO2CG 1999LI05. 215PO L 517.60 6 7/2+,9/2+ B 215PO A 6311 3 0.054 162 F 215PO CA Other value: EA=6311.8, IA=0.054 (1962WA18) 215PO CA IA$IA=0.049 4, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 224.0 7 0.013 2 215PO G 517.60 6 0.41 2 M1(+E2) 0.08 5 X 215POS G KC=0.099$LC=0.0172 215PO CG M$from EKC (1999LI05). 215PO CG E,RI$EG=516.5 5, RI=0.22 5 (1970DA09) were not included in the input 215PO2CG for averaging. Other: 1965VA10. 215PO L 608.3020 (11/2+,13/2+) A 215PO A 6223 6 0.004 919 F 215PO CA Other value: EA=6223.6, IA=0.0026 (1962WA18). 215PO CA IA$IA=0.004 1, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 608.3 2 0.040 10 215PO CG Other value: RI AP 0.026 (1965VA10). 215PO L 676.66 7 215PO A 6158 4 0.018 105 F 215PO CA Other value: EA=6158.6, IA=0.0174 (1962WA18). 215PO CA IA$IA=0.018 2, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 383.1 6 0.0040 6 215PO G 405.4 6 0.0023 4 215PO G 676.66 7 0.16 2 215PO CG Other value: RI AP 0.1 (1965VA10). 215PO L 708.1 5 215PO A 6124 8 0.001 1380 F 215PO CA IA$IA=0.0006 1, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 436.9 6 0.0028 5 215PO G 708.1 8 0.003 1 215PO L 732.7 4 215PO A 6100 8 0.001 1080 F 215PO CA Other value: EA=6102.0, IA=0.003 (1962WA18) 215PO CA IA$IA=0.0012 2, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 330.8 4 0.009 1 215PO G 461.6 8 0.0015 3 215PO G 732.8 10 6E-04 3 215PO L 835.3222 215PO A 6000 6 0.003 127 F 215PO CA EA=6000.8, IA=0.0044 (1962WA18). 215PO CA IA$IA=0.0031 5, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 564.1 3 0.014 3 215PO CG RI$other value: RI AP 0.02 (1965VA10). 215PO G 835.3 3 0.015 3 215PO CG E,RI$other values: EG AP 833, RI AP 0.01 (1965VA10). 215PO L 877.2 6 215PO A 5958 15 0.0001 2480 F 215PO CA IA$IA=0.0003 1, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 877.2 6 0.003 1 215PO L 891.1 3 215PO A 5944 6 0.002 107 F 215PO CA Other value: EA=5947.9, IA=0.0037, 215PO2CA originally assigned by 1962WA18 to 211BI A DECAY. Reassigned 215PO3CA by 1965VA10 (on the basis of AG coin measurements) to 219RN A DECAY. 215PO CA IA$IA=0.0020 3, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 373.5 6 0.0023 3 215PO G 489.3 5 0.0058 8 215PO G 619.9 6 0.003 1 215PO G 891.1 4 0.007 2 215PO CG E,RI$other values: EG=889.0 15, RI=0.015 7 (1967DA20). RI AP 0.01 215PO2CG (1965VA10). 215PO L 930 1 ? 215PO A 5900 15 0.0001 AP 1430 AP F 215PO CA IA$deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity balance. 215PO G 321.8 10 8E-04 4 ? 215PO L 1073.7 4 (5/2+) 215PO A 5764 8 0.001 30.5 F 215PO CA Other value: EA=5786.5, IA AP 0.001 (1965VA10). 215PO CA IA$IA=0.0009 2, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 556.1 10 5E-04 3 215PO G 671.9 6 0.002 1 215PO G 802.5 6 0.003 1 215PO G 1073.7 6 0.003 1 215PO L 1094.210 215PO A 5744 15 0.0001 244 F 215PO CA IA$IA=9E-5 5, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215PO2CA balance. 215PO G 576.6 10 8E-04 4 215AT ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 01NDS 200110 215AT H TYP=ERR$AUT=J. TULI$DAT=16-Jul-2007$COM=Fixed typo in comment$ 215AT H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215AT XA219FR A DECAY 215AT Q -82 115943 8 4070 7 8178 4 1995AU04 215AT CL E$Deduced by evaluator from a least-squares fit to G-ray energies. 215AT CL Shell-model configuration assignments are based on predicted 215AT2CL level energies, and on those observed in 214PO and 216RN (1993LI07). 215AT CL E(A)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+3} (|ng{-9/2}){+4} 215AT CL E(B)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|pf{-7/2})(|ng{-9/2}){+4} 215AT CL E(C)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|pi{-13/2})(|ng{-9/2}){+4} 215AT CG E,RI$From 219RN A DECAY (1993LI07). 215AT CG M$From XK/RI ratios in coincidence with individual ALPHA-particle 215AT2CG groups (1993LI07). 215AT CG E,RI$From 219FR A DECAY (1993LI07). 215AT L 0.0 9/2- 0.10 MS 2 A 215AT2 L %A=100 215ATX L XREF=A 215AT CL T$from 1951ME10. 215AT CL J$favored A DECAY (HF=3.3) to 211BI GS (JPI=9/2-). Analogy to other 215AT2CL odd-A isotopes of At. 215AT L 169.8810 (7/2)- B 215ATX L XREF=A 215AT CL J$169.9G M1+E2 to 9/2-. In analogy with 896 level (JPI=7/2-) in 209BI, 215AT2CL and to other odd-A isotopes of ^At. Shell model. 215AT G 169.9 1 100 M1+E2 0.78 17 2.09 21 215AT CG M,MR$from EKC=1.5 2 (1993LI07). 215AT L 352.0010 (5/2)- A 215ATX L XREF=A 215AT CL J$352.0G E2 to 9/2-. In analogy with 2826 level (JPI=5/2-) in 209BI. 215AT2CL Shell model. 215AT G 352.0 1 100 E2 0.084 215AT CG M$from EKC=0.06 1 (1993LI07). 215AT L 363.0 (13/2+) C 215ATX L XREF=A 215AT CL J$shell model. 215AT L 472.2917 (7/2-) A 215ATX L XREF=A 215AT CL J$472.2G (M1) to 9/2-. Shell model. 215AT G 302.6 3 12 AP 215AT G 472.2 2 100 30 (M1) 0.170 215AT CG M$from EKC AP 0.1 (1993LI07). 215AT L 517.0020 (13/2)- A 215ATX L XREF=A 215AT CL J$517.0G E2 to 9/2-. 153G to 363 level (13/2+). Shell model. 215AT G 153 3 AP [E1] 0.163 ? 215AT G 517.0 2 100 21 E2 0.0313 215AT CG M$from EKC=0.03 1 (1993LI07). 215AT L 580 (3/2-) A 215ATX L XREF=A 215AT CL J$shell model. 215AT 219FR A DECAY 1993LI07,1968BA73,1966GR0701NDS 200110 215AT H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215AT C 1993LI07: 219FR activity was produced as descendant of a mass-separated 215AT2C source of 223AC. Measured EA, IA, EG, RI, AG coin. Detectors: GE(LI) 215AT3C for G rays, SI(LI) for ALPHA particles. 215AT C 1968BA73: descendant of 227PA. Measured EA, IA. Detector: magnetic 215AT2C spectrograph. 215AT C 1966GR07: descendant of 227PA. Measured EA, IA, EG, AG coin. Detectors: 215AT2C semi, scint. 215AT C 1982BO04: 219FR source produced by spallation of 5-GEV protons on 215AT2C targets of U and Th. Measured EA, IA. Detectors: semi. 215AT C Other: 1982BO04 215AT CL E$Deduced by evaluator from a least-squares fit to G-ray energies. 215AT CL J From adopted levels. 215AT CL Shell-model configuration assignments are based on predicted 215AT2CL level energies, and on those observed in 214PO and 216RN. 215AT CL E(A)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+3} (|ng{-9/2}){+4} 215AT CL E(B)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|pf{-7/2})(|ng{-9/2}){+4} 215AT CL E(C)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+2} (|pi{-13/2})(|ng{-9/2}){+4} 215AT CA E,IA$From 1968BA73, unless otherwise specified. 215AT CG E,RI$From 1993LI07. Other: 1968GR07. 215AT CG M$From XK/RI ratios in coincidence with individual ALPHA-particle 215AT2CG groups (1993LI07). 215AT CA HF$Using R0(215AT)=1.558, average of R0(214PO)=1.559, 215AT2CA R0(216PO)=1.5555, R0(214RN)=1.563, and R0(216RN)=1.556 (1998AK04). 215AT N 0.1 1.0 215AT PN 3 215AT CN NR$measured absolute G-ray intensities (1993LI07). 219FR P 0.0 9/2- 20 MS 2 7448 2 215AT G 225 0.1 AP ? 215AT L 0.0 9/2- 0.10 MS 2 A 215AT CL T$from 1951ME10. 215AT A 7312.3 18 98.8 2 1.0 215AT CA E$value adjusted from EA=7312.2 20 (1968BA73) and EA=7317 4 (1982BO04), 215AT2CA as recommended by 1991RY01. 215AT3CA Other values: EA=7300 10, IA=98.4 (1966GR07); EA=7307 20, energy 215AT4CA has been increased by 7 KEV to account for changes in calibration 215AT5CA energies (1951ME10,1977MA30); EA=7313 (1993LI07). 215AT CA IA from 1991RY01. 215AT L 169.8810 (7/2)- B 215AT A 7145.7 20 0.25 7 104 215AT CA IA$weighted average of 0.3 1 (1966GR07) and 0.2 1 (1968BA73,1977MA30). 215AT CA IA$0.30 3, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215AT2CA balance. Other value: 0.2 (1993LI07). 215AT CA E other values: 7140 10 (1966GR07), 7148 (1993LI07). 215AT G 169.9 1 1.0 1 M1+E2 0.78 17 2.09 21 215ATS G KC=1.50 22$LC=0.443 11$MC=0.111 4$NC+=0.0379 14 215AT CG M,MR$from EKC=1.5 2 (1993LI07). 215AT L 352.0010 (5/2)- A 215AT A 6967.3 20 0.6 10.0 215AT CA Other values: EA=6950 10, IA(6967A + 6957A)=0.8 1 (1966GR07); 215AT2CA EA=6968, IA=0.6 (1993LI07). 215AT CA IA$0.61 5, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215AT2CA balance. 215AT G 352.0 1 5.6 5 E2 0.084 215ATS G KC=0.0483$LC=0.0267$MC=0.00689$NC+=0.00236 215AT CG M$from EKC=0.06 1 (1993LI07). 215AT L 363.0 (13/2+) C 215AT A 6956.6 30 0.02 AP 275 AP 215AT CA Other values: EA=6958, IA AP 0.02 (1993LI07). 215AT L 472.2917 (7/2-) A 215AT A 6846.2 25 0.05 44 215AT CA Other value: EA=6820 10; value deduced by 1977MA30 from an 215AT2CA ALPHA spectrum presented in 1966GR07. Original EA=6720 is probably a 215AT3CA typographical error. IA=0.2 1 (1966GR07). 215AT4CA EA=6849, IA=0.05 (1993LI07). 215AT CA IA$0.06 2, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215AT2CA balance. 215AT G 302.6 3 0.06 AP 215AT G 472.2 2 0.50 15 (M1) 0.170 215ATS G KC=0.138$LC=0.0242$MC=0.00570$NC+=0.00195 215AT CG M$from EKC AP 0.1 (1993LI07). 215AT L 517.0020 (13/2)- A 215AT A 6802.9 20 0.25 6.1 215AT CA Other value: EA=6780 10, value deduced by 1977MA30 from an 215AT2CA ALPHA spectrum presented in 1966GR07. Original EA=6680 is probably a 215AT3CA typographical error. IA=0.3 1 (1966GR07). 215AT4CA EA=6805, IA=0.25 (1993LI07). 215AT CA IA$0.20 4, deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215AT2CA balance. 215AT G 153 0.06 AP [E1] 0.163 ? 215ATS G KC=0.130$LC=0.0251$MC=0.00594$NC+=0.00198 215AT G 517.0 2 1.9 4 E2 0.0313 215ATS G KC=0.0215$LC=0.00736 215AT CG M$from EKC=0.03 1 (1993LI07). 215AT L 580 (3/2-) A 215AT A 6744 0.03 LT 29 GT 215AT CA E,IA$from 1993LI07. 215RN ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 01NDS 200110 215RN H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215RN XA219RA A DECAY 215RN Q -1487 104920 125079 9 8839 8 1995AU04 215RN CL E From 219RA A DECAY. 215RN CG E,TI,M From 219RA A DECAY. 215RN L 0.0 9/2+ 2.30 US 10 215RNX L XREF=A 215RN CL T from 1970VA13. 215RN CL J favored ALPHA decay (HF=1.5) to 211PO (JPI=9/2+). 215RN CL CONF odd-neutron CONF=(N,1G9/2). 215RN2 L %A=100 215RN CL %EC LT 1.0E-11 for LOGFT GT 5.9. 215RN2CL %EC+%B+ LT 3E-7, theory (1973TA30). 215RN L 214.1 2 (7/2,9/2)+ 215RNX L XREF=A 215RN CL J 592G M1 from (7/2)+, 214.1G ? to 9/2+. 215RN G 214.1 2 100 ? 215RN L 290.8 3(7/2,9/2,11/2)- 215RNX L XREF=A 215RN CL J 291G E1 to 9/2+. 215RN G 290.8 3 E1 0.0360 100 215RN L 315.82 4 (7/2)+ 215RNX L XREF=A 215RN CL J JPI=(7/2,11/2)+ from AG(THETA) (1989HA26). 316G M1 to 9/2+. 215RN2CL Low ALPHA hindrance factor (HF=4.7) from 219RA (JPI=(7/2)+) 215RN3CL suggests JPI=(7/2)+ for this level. 215RN G 315.82 4 M1(+E2) 100 215RN L 805.7 4 (7/2)+ 215RNX L XREF=A 215RN CL J 805G M1 to 9/2+. Low ALPHA hindrance factor (HF=3.3) from 215RN2CL 219RA (JPI=(7/2)+) suggests JPI=(7/2)+ for this level. 215RN G 489 1 42 LE ? 215RN G 592.0 3 M1(+E2) 100 17 215RN G 805.2 4 M1(+E2) 58 17 215RN 219RA A DECAY 1987EL02,1970VA13,1994SH0201NDS 200110 215RN H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215RN C 1969HA32 215RN C 1987EL02: 219RA activity was produced as descendant of 223TH. Measured 215RN2C EA, EG, RI, ICE, AG coin, { |a-ce coin}. Detectors: 215RN3C semi, GELI, SI(LI). 215RN4C Assignment of ALPHA-particle groups to 219RA has been based on the 215RN5C agreement with EA from 1970VA13, and on the observation of RN XK in 215RN6C coincidence with ALPHA particles. 215RN C Because of the decay scheme normalization, 215RN2C evaluator interpreted absolute G-ray transition intensities reported 215RN3C by authors as absolute TI (photons plus conversion electrons) 215RN4C intensities. 215RN C 1970VA13: 219RA activity was produced by 208PB(16O,AN), and identified 215RN2C by excitation functions, cross bombardment, and genetic relationship to 215RN3C its ALPHA-decay daughter nucleus 215RN. Measured EA, IA. Detector: semi 215RN C 1969HA32: 219RA activity was produced as descendant of 227U, 223TH, and 215RN2C identified by its genetic relationship to its ALPHA-decay daughter 215RN3C nucleus 215RN. Measured EA, IA. Detector: semi. 215RN C 1994SH02: 219RA activity was produced as the daughter nuclide of 223TH 215RN2C through the 208PB(18O,3N)223TH reaction. Measured EA, IA, AG coin 215RN3C from a source in equilibrium with 223TH. Detectors: semi, GELI. 215RN CL 1994SH02 interpreted the level structure in 215RN in terms of 215RN2CL both the reflection asymmetric model and the shell model. 215RN CL E(A)$Configuration=|ng{-9/2}{+2} i{-11/2} 215RN CL E(B)$Configuration=|ng{-9/2}{+2} j{-15/2} 215RN CL E(C)$Configuration=|ng{-9/2}{+3} 215RN CL J From adopted levels. 215RN CL E From G-ray energies of 1987EL02. 215RN CG See 1989HA26 for AG(THETA). 215RN CG E,TI From 1987EL02, unless otherwise specified. 215RN CG TI Absolute transition intensity measured relative to 215RN2CG % TI=66.2 15 for 316G. This value resulted from a precise measurement 215RN3CG of the ALPHA-particle abundance that populates the 316 level 215RNxCG (1987EL02). 215RN CA HF$Using R0(215RN)=1.559, average of R0(214RN)=1.563, R0(216RN)=1.556 215RN2CA (1998AK04). 215RN N 1.0 1.0 215RN PN 3 219RA P 0.0 (7/2)+ 10 MS 3 8138 3 215RN L 0.0 9/2+ 2.30 US 10 C 215RN CL T from adopted levels. 215RN A 7988 3 30.5 15 90 215RN CA IA$deduced by evaluator using SUMOF IA=100%. 215RN2CA Other values: IA=30 10 (1969HA32), IA=35 2 (1970VA13), IA=34 215RN3CA (1994SH02). Other: 1952ME13. 215RN CA IA$IA=30.7 16 deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215RN2CA balance. 215RN CA E weighted average of 7980 10 (1970VA13), 7990 20 (1969HA32), 215RN2CA and 7989 3 (1994SH02). 215RN L 214.1 2 (7/2,9/2)+ C 215RN A 7780 10 0.5 AP 1270 AP 215RN CA E,IA inferred from AG coin (1994SH02). 215RN G 214.1 2 1.5 3 215RN CG XK/G AP 1 (EKC AP 0.1) (1994SH02), ELC=0.14 3 215RNxCG (1987EL02). Assignment to 219Ra A decay is not definite. 215RN L 290.8 3 (7/2,9/2,11/2)- B 215RN A 7706 10 0.9 2 413 215RN CA E$weighted average of 7720 20 (measured in coin with 291G, 1987EL02), 215RN2CA and 7703 10 (1994SH02). 215RN CA IA$deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity balance. 215RN G 290.8 3 E1 0.0360 0.91 18 215RNS G KC= 0.0291 $LC= 0.00520 $MC= 0.00123 $NC+= 0.00041 215RN CG E$other value: 290.6 (1994SH02). 215RN CG M from EKC LT 0.05 (1987EL02). 215RN L 315.82 4 (7/2)+ A 215RN A 7678 3 66.2 15 4.7 215RN CA E$weighted average of 7675 5 (1987EL02), 7675 10 (1970VA13), 215RN2CA 7700 (20) 1969HA32, 7679 3 (1994SH02). 215RN CA IA$IA=65.7 15 deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity 215RN2CA balance. Other values: IA=65 5 (1970VA13), IA=70 10 (1969HA32), IA=62 215RNxCA (1994SH02). 215RN G 315.82 4 M1(+E2) 0.545 66.2 15 215RNS G KC= 0.441 $LC= 0.079 $MC= 0.0187 $NC+= 0.00638 215RN CG TI from a precise measurement of 7675A abundance (1987EL02). 215RN CG M from EKC=0.55 8, ELC=0.10 2, and EMC=0.020 3 (1987EL02). 215RN CG E$other value: 316.0 (1994SH02). 215RN L 805.7 4 (7/2)+ A 215RN A 7198 6 2.4 3 3.3 215RN CA E weighted average of 7220 20 (in coin with 592G), 215RN2CA 7250 40 (in coin with 805G)(1987EL02), and 7196 5 (1994SH02). 215RN CA IA$deduced by evaluator from G-ray transition intensity balance. 215RN G 489 1 0.5 LE ? 215RN G 592.0 3 M1(+E2) 0.101 1.2 2 215RNS G KC= 0.0819 $LC= 0.0145 215RN CG M from EKC=0.07 2 and ELC=0.03 1 (1987EL02). 215RN G 805.2 4 M1(+E2) 0.045 0.7 2 215RNS G KC= 0.0367 $LC= 0.00642 215RN CG M from EKC=0.03 2 (1987EL02). 215FR ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 01NDS 200110 215FR H TYP=FMT$AUT=J. Tuli$DAT=22-APR-2005$COM=Fixed Fmt/Typo$ 215FR H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215FR XA208PB(11B,4NG) 215FR XB219AC A DECAY 215FR Q -2215 106794 112650 119540 7 1995AU04 215FR CL The low-lying states of 215FR result from the coupling of an 215FR2CL h9/2 proton to the 0+, 2+, 4+, 6+, and 8+ states of the even core 215FR3CL (214RN). The energies of these even-spin states are similar to those of 215FR4CL the 9/2, and (11/2,13/2), (15/2,17/2), (21/2,19/2) doublets in 215FR. 215FR5CL The long-range ALPHA particle groups emitted from these states in 215FR 215FR6CL are analogous to those emitted from the GS, 4+, 6+, and 8+ states 215FR7CL in 216RA. Their branchings from each level have not been measured, only 215FR8CL their intensities relative to the total number of ALPHA particles in 215FR9CL the spectrum in coincidence with G rays are given (1984SC25). 215FR CL E(B) Emission of long-range ALPHA particles from this level has 215FR2CL been observed (1984SC25). 215FR CL J Multiple quasi-particle shell model configurations presented 215FR2CL here are from 1984SC25. 215FR CL E(A)$Measured T (1984SC25) and G-FACTOR=0.33 10 (1984DE16) correspond 215FR2CL to 1440, 1457, or 1573 level. 215FR CL E,T From 208PB(11B,4NG). 215FR CG E,RI,M,MR$From 208PB(11B,4NG). 215FR L 0.0 9/2- 86 NS 5 215FRX L XREF=AB 215FR CL T slope of ALPHA-decay time spectrum fitted to two components: 215FR2CL 86 and 30 NS (1984DE16). Other values: 87 NS 6 (1973HAZO); 104 NS 16, 215FR3CL slope of time spectrum measurement (1984SC25); 118 NS 21, measured for 215FR4CL about 130 NS only (1974NO02). 215FR CL J favored ALPHA decay (HF AP 1) to 211AT (JPI=9/2-). 215FR CL CONF=(P,1H9/2) coupled to 0+. 215FR2 L %A=100 215FR CL No EC decay. Evaluator calculated %EC+%B+=1.0E-08 for 215FR2CL logft=5.0. %EC+%B+ LT 1.0E-8, theory (1973TA30). 215FR L 670.3 1 (13/2)- 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL J 670G E2 to 9/2-. 215FR CL CONF=(P,1H9/2) coupled to 2+. 215FR G 670.3 1 100 E2 0.0193 215FR L 700.0 1 (11/2)- 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL J 700G M1+E2 to 9/2-. 215FR CL CONF=(P,1H9/2) coupled to 2+. 215FR G 700.0 1 100 M1+E2 -3.75 +55-40 0.0212 6 215FR L 835.5 1 (13/2)+ B 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL Level also decays by |a emission. EA=10160 30, IA=0.038 15 215FR2CL (1984SC25). 215FR CL J 135G E1 to (11/2)-. 215FR G 135.4 1 100 4 E1 0.229 215FR G 165.0 1 57 3 (E1) 0.142 215FR L 1121.5 1 (17/2)- B 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL Level also decays by |a emission. EA=10460 30, 215FR2CL IA(1121+1149)=0.008 1 (1984SC25). 215FR3CL Other values: EA=10493 20, IA(1121+1149)=0.005 (1984DE16). 215FR CL J 451G E2 to (13/2)-. 215FR CL CONF=(P,1H9/2) coupled to 4+. 215FR G 451.2 1 100 E2 0.0479 215FR L 1149.0 1 (15/2)- B 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL J 479G M1+E2 to (13/2)-. 215FR CL CONF=(P,1H9/2) coupled to 4+. 215FR G 28 S 215FR G 313.4 1 17 1 E1 0.0312 215FR G 449.1 1 100 3 E2 0.0485 215FR G 478.8 1 76 5 M1+E2 -3.75 +50-400.0515 18 215FR L 1440.0 1 (19/2)- A 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR3 L FLAG=B 215FR CL Level also decays by |a emission. EA=10740 30, IA=0.041 3 215FR2CL (1984SC25). 215FR2CL Other values: EA=10789 15, IA=0.015 (1984DE16). 215FR CL J 318G M1+E2 to (17/2)-. 215FR CL CONF=(P,1H9/2) coupled to 6+. 215FR G 290.9 1 100 3 E2 0.162 215FR G 318.5 1 20 1 M1+E2 10 +6-2 0.128 215FR L 1457.4 2 (21/2)- A 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL J 336G E2 to (17/2)-. 215FR CL CONF=(P,1H9/2) coupled to 6+. 215FR G 335.9 1 100 E2 0.106 215FR L 1573.1 2 (23/2)- 3.5 NS 14 A 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR3 L FLAG=B 215FR CL Level also decays by |a emission. EA=10890 30, IA=0.036 3 215FR2CL (1984SC25). EA=10919 15, IA=0.030 (1984DE16). 215FR CL J 115.8G M1 to (21/2)-. Theoretical G-FACTOR=0.12 (1984SC25) 215FR2CL for the assigned shell-model configuration compares with experimental 215FR3CL G-FACTOR=0.33 10 (1984DE16). 215FR CL CONF=(PI 1h{-9/2}{++5}+NU 2g{-9/2}{++1} NU 1i{-11/2}{++1}). 215FR G 115.8 2 5.3 6 M1 9.96 215FRB G BM1W=5.0E-5 22 215FR G 133.0 1 100 9 E2 2.72 215FRB G BE2W=12 5 215FR L 1680.5 2 (25/2)- 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL J 107.4G M1(+E2) to (23/2)-. 215FR CL CONF=((P,1H9/2,+5)+(N,2G9/2,+1)+(N,1I11/2,+1)). 215FR G 107.4 3 100 M1(+E2) 10 3 215FR CG CC$for MR=1.0, assumed by evaluator. 215FR L 1813.6 2 (27/2)- 2.1 NS 14 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL T from 1984SC25. 215FR CL J 133G M1+E2 to (25/2)-, 240.5G E2 to (23/2)-. 215FR CL CONF=(PI 1h{-9/2}{++4},2f{-7/2}{++1})+ 215FR2CL (NU 2g{-9/2}{++1},1i{-11/2}{++1}) 215FR G 133.0 1 41 11 M1+E2 0.50 15 5.9 4 215FRB G BM1W=0.0004 3$BE2W=1.7 15 215FR G 240.5 1 100 4 E2 0.297 215FRB G BE2W=1.1 8 215FR L 2015.9 2 (29/2)+ 4.7 NS 12 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL T weighted average of 5.5 NS 14 (1984SC25) and 3 NS 2 215FRxCL (1984DE16). 215FR CL J$202G E1 to (27/2)-. Theoretical G-FACTOR=0.43 (1984SC25) for the 215FR2CL assigned shell-model configuration agrees with experimental 215FR3CL G-FACTOR=0.47 20 (1984DE16). 215FR CL CONF=(PI 1h{-9/2}{++4},1i{-13/2}{++1})+(NU 2g{-9/2}{++2}) 215FR2 L MOMM1=6.8 29 215FR CL MOMM1 DPAD (1984DE16,1989RA17). 215FR G 202.3 1 100 E1 0.0865 215FRB G BE1W=4.5E-6 12 215FR L 2251.3 3 (33/2)+ 5.3 NS 11 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL T weighted average of 5.5 NS 14 (1984SC25) and 5 NS 2 215FRxCL (1984DE16). 215FR CL J 235.4G E2 to (29/2)+. Theoretical G-FACTOR=0.49 (1984SC25) 215FR2CL for the assigned shell-model configuration agrees with experimental 215FR3CL G-FACTOR=0.47 10 (1984DE16). 215FR CL CONF= 215FR2CL (PI 1h{-9/2}{++4},1i{-13/2}{++1})+(NU 2g{-9/2}{++1},1i{-11/2}{++1}) 215FR2 L MOMM1=7.8 17 215FR CL MOMM1 DPAD (1984DE16,1989RA17). 215FR G 235.4 1 100 E2 0.319 215FRB G BE2W=1.5 3 215FR L 2806.8 3 (35/2)- 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL J 555.5G E1 to (33/2)+. 215FR CL CONF=(PI 1h{-9/2}{++5})+(NU 2g{-9/2}{++1},1i{-11/2}{++1}). 215FR G 555.5 1 100 E1 0.00929 215FR L 2900.4 3 (35/2-) 215FR CL J predicted by shell model (1984SC25). 215FR2CL CONF=(PI 1h{-9/2}{++4},2f{-7/2}{++1})+ 215FR2CL (NU 2g{-9/2}{++1},1i{-11/2}{++1}) 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR G 649.1 1 100 215FR L 3013.9 4 (37/2-) 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL J 113.7G (M1) to (35/2-). 215FR CL CONF=(PI 1h{-9/2}{++5})+(NU 2g{-9/2}{++1},1i{-11/2}{++1}). 215FR G 113.7 3 100 (M1) 10.5 215FR L 3068.9 3 (39/2)- 14.6 NS 14 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL T GG(T) (262G-555G time curves fitted to a two-level decay 215FR2CL formula) (1984SC25). 215FR CL J 818G E3 to (33/2)+. Theoretical G-FACTOR=0.41 (1984SC25) for 215FR2CL the assigned shell model configuration agrees with experimental 215FR3CL G-FACTOR=0.47 2 (1984DE16). 215FR CL CONF=((PI 1h{-9/2}{++4},1i{-13/2}{++1})+ 215FR2CL (NU 1i{-11/2}{++1},1j{-15/2}{++1})) 215FR2 L MOMM1=9.17 20 215FR CL MOMM1 DPAD (1984DE16,1989RA17). 215FR G 262.1 1 100 3 E2 0.224 215FRB G BE2W=0.26 3 215FR G 817.5 1 34 3 E3 0.0336 215FRB G BE3W=27 4 215FR L 3207.5 4 (41/2-) 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL J 138.5G (M1) to (39/2)-. 215FR CL CONF=(PI 1h{-9/2}{++5})+(NU 2g{-9/2}{++1} 1i{-11/2}{++1}). 215FR G 138.5 3 52 10 (M1) 5.98 215FR G 193.6 2 100 20 E2 0.634 215FR L 3409.2 3 ? 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR G 340.2515 100 D ? 215FR L 3417.1 4 (45/2-) 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL J 210G (E2) to (41/2-). 215FR G 209.6 2 100 E2 0.476 215FR L 3419.4 3 ? 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR G 519.0 3 100 ? 215FR L 3462.3 5 (47/2+) 23 NS 2 215FRX L XREF=A 215FR CL T GG(T) (262G-555G time curves fitted to a two-level decay 215FR2CL formula), and from 210G time spectrum (1984SC25). 215FR3CL Other values: T=33 NS 5, GG(T) for all G rays; T=30 NS 5, time spectrum 215FR4CL of GS ALPHA transition fitted to a two-component decay (1984DE16). 215FR CL J 45G E1 to (45/2-). 215FR CL J$CONF=(PI 1h{-9/2}{++4},1i{-13/2}{++1})+(NU 2g{-9/2}{++1},1i{-11/2} 215FR2CL {++1}). 215FR G 45.2 3 100 E1 0.910 215FRB G BE1W=4.6E-5 5 215FR 219AC A DECAY 1970BO13,1989MI17 01NDS 200110 215FR H TYP=FMT$AUT=J. Tuli$DAT=22-APR-2005$COM=Fixed Fmt/Typo$ 215FR H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215FR C 1970BO13: 219AC activity was produced as descendant of 223PA by the 215FR2c following reactions: {+205}Tl({+22}Ne,4n), {+208}Pb({+19}F,4n), 215FR3c {+209}Bi({+20}Ne,|a2n), and {+209}Bi({+22}Ne,|a4n), E=90-135 MeV. 215FR4C the activity was identified by 215FR5C excitation functions, cross bombardments, and by genetic relationships 215FR6C between parent and daughter nuclei. Measured EA. Detector: semi. 215FR c 1989Mi17: {+219}Ac activity was produced by {+209}Bi({+16}O,|a2n) and 215FR2C 205TL(16O,2N), E=87.4-101.9 MEV, and identified by mass separation and 215FR3C excitation functions. Measured EA. Detector: semi. Deduced 219AC 215FR4C half-life. 215FR N 1.0 219AC P 0.0 9/2- 11.8 US 15 8830 50 215FR L 0.0 9/2- 86 NS 5 215FR A 8664 10 100 1.1 215FR CA HF$using R0(215FR)=1.5597, average of R0(214RN)=1.563, R0(216RN)=1.556, 215FR2CA R0(214RA)=1.554, and R0(216RA)=1.566 (1998AK04) 215FR CA E from 1970BO13. Original energy has been decreased by 1 KEV 215FR2CA because of a change in the calibration energy of 212PO (1991RY01). 215FR 208PB(11B,4NG) 1984SC25,1984DE16,1985DR0401NDS 200110 215FR H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215FR C 204HG(15N,4NG), 207PB(11B,3N) (1984DE16). 215FR C 1984SC25: target: GT 99% enriched 208PB, E(11B)=66 MEV. 215FR2C Measured EG, RI, GG coin, AG coin, GG(T), AG(T), G(THETA) for 215FR3C THETA=90 DEG, 115 DEG, 127 DEG, 138 DEG, and 149 DEG. Measured level 215FR4C half-lives, ALPHA decay from GS and excited levels. Deduced G-ray 215FR5C multipolarities. Detectors: GE(LI), high-purity germanium, SI surface 215FR6C barrier. 215FR C 1984DE16: 208PB(11B,4N), target: 98% enriched 208PB, E(11B)=58, 62 MEV. 215FR2C Measured EG, RI, GG coin, AG coin, CE CE coin, GG(T), AG(T), 215FR3C differential perturbed angular distribution (DPAD) of ALPHA particles, 215FR4C ALPHA decay from GS and excited levels, level half-lives. 215FR5C The 207PB(11B,3N) reaction was used to confirm the assignment of 215FR6C measured ALPHA particles to 215FR. 215FR C 1984DE16: 204HG(15N,4NG), target: 98% enriched 204HG cooled to -30 DEG 215FR2C C, E(15N) AP 78 MEV. Measured differential perturbed angular 215FR3C distribution (DPAD) for G rays. Deduced G-ray multipolarities, 215FR4C G-FACTORS, half-lives. 215FR C 1985DR04: target: enriched 208PB, E(11B)=45-66 MEV. 215FR2C Measured EG, RI, GG coin, G(THETA) for THETA=0 DEG to 90 DEG in 15 DEG 215FR3C increments, G-ray excitation functions and linear polarizations. 215FR4C Deduced G-ray multipolarities. Detectors: GE(LI). 215FR CL E$Deduced by evaluator from a least-squares fit to G-ray 215FR2CL energies of 1984SC25 and 1985DR04. 215FR CL E(A)$Measured T (1984SC25) and G-FACTOR=0.33 10 (1984DE16) correspond 215FR2CL to 1440, 1457, or 1573 level. 215FR CG E Weighted average from 1984SC25 and 1985DR04. 215FR CG RI From 1984SC25, unless otherwise specified. 215FR CG M$From differential perturbed angular distribution of G rays, and 215FR2CG conversion electron data (1984DE16); G(THETA) and transition intensity 215FR3CG balances (1984SC25); and G(THETA) and asymmetry values from G-ray 215FR4CG linear polarization measurements (1985DR04). 215FR N 215FR PN 5 215FR L 0.0 9/2- 86 NS 5 215FR CL T slope of ALPHA-decay time spectrum fitted to two components: 215FR2CL 86 and 30 NS (1984DE16). Other values: 87 NS 6 (1973HAZO); 104 NS 16, 215FR3CL slope of time spectrum measurement (1984SC25); 118 NS 21, measured for 215FR4CL about 130 NS only (1974NO02). 215FR L 670.3 1 (13/2)- 215FR G 670.3 1 97 4 E2 0.0193 215FRS G KC= 0.0140 $LC= 0.0040 215FR L 700.0 1 (11/2)- 215FR G 700.0 1 43.6 20 M1+E2 -3.8 +6-4 0.0212 6 215FRS G KC= 0.0159 5$LC= 0.00400 10 215FR CG MR$from G(THETA) (1985DR04). Other value: -7 +3-13, G-ray time 215FR2CG differential perturbed angular distribution (1984DE16). 215FR L 835.5 1 (13/2)+ 215FR G 135.4 1 7.0 3 E1 0.229 215FRS G KC= 0.181 $LC= 0.0370 $MC= 0.00882 $NC+= 0.00301 215FR G 165.0 1 4.0 2 (E1) 0.142 215FRS G KC= 0.112 $LC= 0.0221 $MC= 0.00527 $NC+= 0.00180 215FR CG RI$from RI(165)/RI(135)=0.567 (1985DR04). 215FR L 1121.5 1 (17/2)- 215FR G 451.2 1 56.4 20 E2 0.0479 215FRS G KC= 0.0302 $LC= 0.0131 $MC= 0.00339 $NC+= 0.00118 215FR L 1149.0 1 (15/2)- 215FR G 28 S 215FR G 313.4 1 6.9 3 E1 0.0312 215FRS G KC= 0.0253 $LC= 0.00452 $MC= 0.00107 $NC+= 0.000368 215FR G 449.1 1 41.6 10 E2 0.0485 215FRS G KC= 0.0305 $LC= 0.0134 $MC= 0.00344 $NC+= 0.00120 215FR G 478.8 1 31.7 20 M1+E2 -3.8 +5-4 0.0515 18 215FRS G KC= 0.0354 15$LC= 0.0120 3$MC= 0.00304 8$NC+= 0.00106 3 215FR CG MR$from G(THETA) (1985DR04). Other value: -6 +3-4, G-ray time 215FR2CG differential perturbed angular distribution (1984DE16). 215FR L 1440.0 1 (19/2)- A 215FR G 290.9 1 96 3 E2 0.162 215FRS G KC= 0.0754 $LC= 0.0636 $MC= 0.0167 $NC+= 0.00586 215FR G 318.5 1 18.8 10 M1+E2 10 +6-2 0.128 215FRS G KC= 0.0663 $LC= 0.0454 $MC= 0.0119 $NC+= 0.00415 215FR CG MR$from G(THETA) (1985DR04). 215FR L 1457.4 2 (21/2)- A 215FR G 335.9 1 18.8 10 E2 0.106 215FRS G KC= 0.0556 $LC= 0.0369 $MC= 0.00965 $NC+= 0.00337 215FR L 1573.1 2 (23/2)- 3.5 NS 14 A 215FR CL T GG(T) centroid shift method (1984SC25). Other value: 4 NS 2, 215FR2CL GG(T) centroid shift method (1984DE16). 215FR G 115.8 2 1.68 20 M1 9.96 215FRS G KC= 8.01 $LC= 1.48 $MC= 0.352 $NC+= 0.124 215FR G 133.0 1 32 3 E2 2.72 215FRS G KC= 0.320 $LC= 1.76 $MC= 0.476 $NC+= 0.168 215FR L 1680.5 2 (25/2)- 215FR CL E the order of the 133G-107G cascade is unknown. E=1706 is 215FR2CL possible for this level. 215FR G 107.4 3 7.9 10 M1(+E2) 215FR L 1813.6 2 (27/2)- 2.1 NS 14 215FR CL T GG(T), AG(T) centroid shift method (1984SC25). 215FR G 133.0 1 11 3 M1+E2 0.50 15 5.9 4 215FRS G KC= 4.4 5$LC= 1.14 13$MC= 0.28 3$NC+= 0.101 8 215FR CG MR$from G-ray time differential perturbed angular 215FR2CG distribution (1984DE16). 215FR G 240.5 1 26.7 10 E2 0.297 215FRS G KC= 0.113 $LC= 0.135 $MC= 0.0360 $NC+= 0.0126 215FR L 2015.9 2 (29/2)+ 4.7 NS 12 215FR CL T weighted average of 5.5 NS 14, GG(T), AG(T) centroid shift 215FR2CL method (1984SC25), and 3 NS 2, GG(T) centroid shift method (1984DE16). 215FR CL G-FACTOR=0.47 20, DPAD of G rays (1984DE16). 215FR G 202.3 1 100 3 E1 0.0865 215FRS G KC= 0.0691 $LC= 0.0132 $MC= 0.00313 $NC+= 0.00107 215FR L 2251.3 3 (33/2)+ 5.3 NS 11 215FR CL T weighted average of 5.5 NS 14, GG(T), AG(T) centroid shift 215FR2CL method (1984SC25), and 5 NS 2, GG(T) centroid shift method (1984DE16) 215FR CL G-FACTOR=0.47 10, DPAD of G rays (1984DE16). 215FR G 235.4 1 78 3 E2 0.319 215FRS G KC= 0.118 $LC= 0.148 $MC= 0.0393 $NC+= 0.0138 215FR L 2806.8 3 (35/2)- 215FR G 555.5 1 41.6 20 E1 0.00929 215FRS G KC= 0.00759 $LC= 0.00128 215FR L 2900.4 3 (35/2-) 215FR G 649.1 1 5.9 10 215FR CG (E1) from (1984SC25); E2+M1 (MR=-1.2 +18-12), (1985DR04). 215FR L 3013.9 4 (37/2-) 215FR G 113.7 3 0.40 10 (M1) 10.5 215FRS G KC= 8.44 $LC= 1.56 $MC= 0.371 $NC+= 0.131 215FR L 3068.9 3 (39/2)- 14.6 NS 14 215FR CL T GG(T) (262G-555G time curves fitted to a two-level decay 215FR2CL formula) (1984SC25). 215FR CL G-FACTOR=0.47 2 (corrected for diamagnetism and KNIGHT 215FR2CL shift), DPAD of G rays (1984DE16). G-FACTOR=0.48 2, DPAD of ALPHA 215FR3CL particles (1984DE16). 215FR G 262.1 1 37.6 10 E2 0.224 215FRS G KC= 0.0941 $LC= 0.0957 $MC= 0.0253 $NC+= 0.00888 215FR G 817.5 1 12.9 10 E3 0.0336 215FRS G KC= 0.0221 $LC= 0.00864 215FR L 3207.5 4 (41/2-) 215FR G 138.5 3 2.6 5 (M1) 5.98 215FRS G KC= 4.81 $LC= 0.883 $MC= 0.211 $NC+= 0.0743 215FR G 193.6 2 5.0 10 E2 0.634 215FRS G KC= 0.177 $LC= 0.335 $MC= 0.0900 $NC+= 0.0316 215FR L 3409.2 3 ? 215FR G 340.25 15 D ? 215FR CG E from 1985DR04. G ray was also observed, but not placed in the 215FR2CG decay scheme, by 1984SC25. 215FR L 3417.1 4 (45/2-) 215FR G 209.6 2 25.7 10 E2 0.476 215FRS G KC= 0.151 $LC= 0.239 $MC= 0.0640 $NC+= 0.0225 215FR L 3419.4 3 ? 215FR G 519.0 3 ? 215FR CG E observed by 1985DR04 only. 215FR L 3462.3 5 (47/2+) 23 NS 2 215FR CL T GG(T) (262G-555G time curves fitted to a two-level decay 215FR2CL formula), and from 210G time spectrum (1984SC25). 215FR3CL Other values: T=33 NS 5, GG(T) for all G rays; T=30 NS 5, time spectrum 215FR4CL of GS ALPHA transition fitted to a two-component decay (1984DE16). 215FR G 45.2 3 16.8 20 E1 0.910 215FRS G LC= 0.688 $MC= 0.167 215RA ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 01NDS 200110 215RA H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215RA Q -3490 545637 133796 118864 4 1995AU04 215RA CL The level structure of 215RA, described by a multiparticle 215RA2CL octupole coupling mechanism, leads to configuration mixed isomers 215RA3CL with characteristic enhanced E3 transitions. These have been 215RA4CL explained by the coupling of octupole vibrations to the shell-model 215RA5CL configurations presented here for the six protons 215RA6CL and single neutron outside closed shells (1998ST24). 215RA CL The low-lying yrast levels in 215RA also have been 215RA2CL interpreted in terms of the shell model by coupling the odd neutron to 215RA3CL experimentally determined energies in 214RA (1983LO16). The enhancement 215RA4CL of the 773-KEV E3 transition in 215RA is due mostly to the coupling of 215RA5CL the particle orbital to the octupole phonon in the 208PB core. Its 215RA6CL BE3W=37 2 agrees with the systematics for E3 transitions 215RA7CL in the 208PB region (1983LO16). See also 1998ST24, 1989DR02, 1985BE05, 215RA8CL and 1988FU10 for further discussions on BE3 values for this nucleus. 215RA CL G-rays reported by 1988FU10, 1983LO16, and 1987ADZU from 215RA2CL 206PB(12C,3NG), 206PB(13C,4NG), 208PB(12C,5NG), and 208PB(13C,6NG) 215RA3CL agree with most of those adopted here. However, because of the 215RA4CL 2246.9+x level proposed by 1998ST24, only level energies up to 215RA5CL 2054 KEV agree with those adopted in this evaluation. 215RA CL E$Deduced by evaluator from a least-squares fit to G-ray energies. 215RA CG E,RI$From 206PB(13C,4NG) (1998ST24). 215RA CG M,MR$From conversion electron data and G(THETA) in 206PB(13C,4NG) 215RA2CG (1998ST24). 215RA CL J Spin and parity assignments are based on G-ray 215RA2CL multipolarities, angular distributions, transition strengths, and 215RA3CL excitation functions. Shell model configuration assignments are 215RA4CL based on level energies and G-ray transition rates (1998ST24). 215RA CL E(A)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+6} (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(C)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+6} (|nj{-15/2}) 215RA CL E(D)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+5} (|pf{-7/2}) (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(E)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+4} (|pf{-7/2}) (|pi{-13/2}) (|n{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(F)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+5} (|pi{-13/2}) (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(G)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+4} (|pi{-13/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(H)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+5} (|pf{-7/2}) (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(I)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+4} (|pf{-7/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(J)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+3} (|pf{-7/2}){+2} (|pi{-13/2}) 215RA2CL (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(K)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+3} (|pf{-7/2}) (|pi{-13/2}){+2} 215RA2CL (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA XA206PB(13C,4NG) 215RA XB219TH A DECAY 215RA XC208PB(13C,6NG) 215RA L 0.0 (9/2+) 1.55 MS 7 A 215RAX L XREF=ABC 215RA CL T$weighted average of 1.62 MS +16-13 (2000NI02), 1.68 MS 2 (2000HE17), 215RA2CL 1.56 MS 10 (1970TO08), 1.7 MS 2 (1968VA18), 215RA3CL 1.5 MS 1 (1991AN10), and 1.5 MS 3 (1991AN13). 215RA4CL Other value: 1.6 MS (1961GR43,1962GR20). 215RA CL J analogy to N=127 isotones (I.E. 211PO and 215RA2CL 213RN) suggest JPI=(9/2+). Shell model configuration for the odd 215RA3CL neutron is expected to be g9/2. 215RA2 L %A=100 215RA CL No EC decay. Evaluator calculated %EC+%B+=1.0E-04 for 215RA2CL logft=5.2. %EC+%B+ LT 2E-4, theory (1973TA30). 215RA CL %EC+%B+ LT 7E-5, theory (1997MO25). 215RA L 773.0 3 (15/2-) 70 NS 3 C 215RAX L XREF=AC 215RA CL T$weighted average (^LWM, CHI**2/NU=5.9) of 68.6 NS 21, GG(T) 215RA2CL (1989DR02); 77 NS 2, GG(T) (1988FU10), 67 NS 3 (1987ADZU), and 67.2 NS 215RA3CL 14, pulsed beam method (1998ST24). 215RA4CL Other values: 110 NS 8, pulsed beam method (1989DR02); 120 NS 10, 215RA5CL pulsed beam method (1983LO16). These values, measured with the pulsed 215RA6CL beam method, may have been affected by a systematic error. The reason 215RA7CL being that most of the 773G intensity decays with 7.1 US, the 215RA8CL half-life of the 1877 level, making it more difficult to measure a 215RA9CL shorter half-life (in the ns range) with the pulsed beam method. 215RA CL J$773G E3 to (9/2+). Analogy with 896-KEV state (JPI=(15/2-)) in 213RN. 215RA G 773.0 100 E3 0.0409 215RAB G BE3W=36.8 17 215RA L 1625.3 4 (17/2+) A 215RAX L XREF=AC 215RA CL J$852G E1 to (15/2-). Analogy with 1529-KEV state (JPI=(17/2+)) in 215RA2CL 213RN. 215RA G 852.3 100 E1 0.00427 215RA L 1821.2 4 (21/2+) 24.8 NS 14 A 215RAX L XREF=AC 215RA CL T$weighted average of 23 NS 5 (1983LO16) and 25.0 NS 14 (1998ST24). 215RA CL J$196G E2 to (17/2+), 1048G E3 to (15/2-). Analogy with 1664-KEV 215RA2CL state (JPI=(21/2+)) in 213RN (1988FU10). 215RA G 196.0 100 1 E2 0.642 215RAB G BE2W=0.48 4 215RA G 1048.2 48.6 4 E3 0.0199 215RAB G BE3W=2.92 18 215RA L 1877.8 5 (25/2+) 7.1 US 2 D 215RAX L XREF=AC 215RA CL T$weighted average of 7.2 US 2 (1988FU10) and 6.9 US 3 (1998ST24). 215RA2CL Other value: GE 2 US, pulsed beam method (1983LO16). 215RA CL J analogous state at GT 1664 KEV with 215RA2CL T AP 1 US has been observed in 213RN (1988FU10). 215RA CL Mixed with 2053.8 level by particle octupole coupling. 215RA G 56.5 100 E2 147 215RAB G BE2W=0.0122 12 215RA L 1994.5 5 (23/2+) D 215RAX L XREF=AC 215RA G 173.3 100 M1 3.45 215RA L 2053.8 5 (25/2+) A 215RAX L XREF=AC 215RA CL Mixed with 1877.8 level by particle octupole coupling. 215RA G 59.3 16 2 M1 15.1 215RA G 176.0 100 2 M1 3.31 215RA L 2214.4 6 (27/2-) E 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 336.6 100 (E1) 0.0274 215RA L 2246.9 5 (29/2-) 1.39 US 7 F 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA CL T$pulsed beam method (1998ST24). 215RA G 32.5 S 215RA G 193.1 100 2 M2(+E3) 215RA G 369.1 32 3 M2+E3 1.1 2 0.83 9 215RAB G BM2W=0.0012 4$BE3W=5.3 15 215RA L 2246.9+X (31/2-) F 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA CL E$x LE 35 KEV. 215RA CL Level was assumed at this energy because both systematics 215RA2CL and theory predict that a JPI=31/2- state must lie near a JPI=29/2- 215RA3CL level at 2246.9 KEV (1998ST24). 215RA G 35 LE S 215RA L 3088.8+X 3 (33/2+) G 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 841.9 100 E1 215RA L 3143.7+X 5 (35/2+) H 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 54.9 100 M1 18.9 215RA L 3331.1+X 5 (37/2+) H 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 187.4 100 M1 2.77 215RA L 3413.4+X 5 (37/2-) F 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 269.7 100 215RA L 3415.6+X 5 (37/2+) H 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 271.9 100 M1 0.98 215RA L 3586.4+X 5 (37/2+) I 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 170.8 19 4 M1 3.60 215RA G 255.4 100 12 M1 1.17 215RA G 442.6 10 4 215RA L 3738.6+X 5 (39/2-) F 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 152.2 46.5 5 E1 0.176 215RA G 323.1 31 1 E1 0.0300 215RA G 325.3 4 1 215RA G 407.4 100 1 E1 0.0181 215RA L 3756.6+X 6 (43/2-) 0.555 US 10 F 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA CL T$pulsed beam method (1998ST24). Other value:0.59 US 18 (1987ADZU). 215RA CL Octupole-mixed state 215RA CL G-FACTOR=+0.726 3. Theoretical value: +0.73 (1998ST24). 215RA2CL Other value: 0.734 7 (1987ADZU). 215RA G 18.1 S 215RA G 425.5 E3 0.246 215RA L 3765.7+X 6 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 434.6 100 215RA L 3855.0+X 6 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 439.4 100 215RA L 3935.4+X 6 (43/2-) E 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA CL Octupole-mixed state 215RA G 178.6 100 M1 3.17 215RA L 4207.3+X 7 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 352.3 100 215RA L 4366.9+X 6 (45/2+) G 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 431.5 99 3 E1 0.0161 215RA G 610.2 100 5 215RA L 4553.6+X 6 (47/2-) F 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 797.3 100 215RA L 4567.0+X 6 (49/2+) 10.5 NS 2 G 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA CL T$pulsed beam method (1998ST24). Other value: AP 10 NS (1987ADZU). 215RA CL G-FACTOR=+0.77 1. Theoretical value: +0.80 (1998ST24). 215RA G 12.9 S 215RA G 200.1 100 2 215RA G 810.2 59 2 215RA L 4686.2+X 7 (47/2-) E 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 750.7 100 215RA L 4882.7+X 6 (51/2-) E 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 196.3 23 3 E2 0.638 215RA G 315.6 100 4 215RA G 329.5 12 3 215RA L 5372.7+X 7 (53/2+) G 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 490.1 100 3 215RA G 805.7 48 2 215RA L 5608.6+X 7 (55/2-) J 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 725.9 100 215RA L 5608.7+X 7 (57/2+) 1.7 NS 2 G 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA CL T$pulsed beam method (1998ST24). 215RA G 236.0 100 E2 0.334 215RAB G BE2W=4.5 6 215RA L 6033.5+X 8 (57/2+) K 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 424.8 100 215RAF G FL=5608.7+X 215RA L 6076.4+X 8 (59/2+) K 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 467.7 100 215RAF G FL=5608.7+X 215RA L 6283.2+X 9 (61/2+) K 215RAX L XREF=A 215RA G 249.7 100 215RA 219TH A DECAY 1973HA32 01NDS 200110 215RA H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215RA C 219TH activity was produced by 206PB(16O,3N), E=80-90 MEV. Isotopic 215RA2C assignment is based on its genetic relationship to 215RA, and on 215RA3C measured excitation functions. Measured EA. Detector: semi. 215RA N 1.0 219TH P 0.0 1.05 US 3 9510 50 215RA L 0.0 (9/2+) 1.55 MS 7 215RA CL J,T from adopted levels. 215RA A 9340 20 100 2.0 215RA CA HF$using R0(215RA)=1.560, average of R0(214RA)=1.554 and R0(216RA)=1.56 215RA2CA (1998AK04). 215RA 206PB(13C,4NG) 1998ST24 01NDS 200110 215RA H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215RA C Target: 92% enriched 206PB. E=78 MEV. 215RA2C Measured EG, RI, GG coin, GG(T), GG(THETA), ICE, differential 215RA3C perturbed angular distributions, excitation functions for 215RA4C E=66-84 MEV. Deduced G-ray multipolarities, angular distribution 215RA5C coefficients, levels half-life (pulsed-beam measurements), 215RA6C gyromagnetic factors, detectors: hyperpure Ge, superconducting 215RA7C solenoidal electron spectrometer with a cooled Si(Li) detector 215RA8C (1998ST24). 215RA C The nucleus of 215RA has six valence protons and a single valence 215RA2C neutron outside the Z=82, N=126 closed shells. Most of the states 215RA3C up to about 6 MEV have configurations involving four to six protons 215RA4C in the h{-9/2} orbital, for which E2 decays are retarded or forbidden, 215RA5C and dipole and octupole transitions are prominent. The authors have 215RA6C explained the strength of E3 transitions as well as the measured 215RA7C gyromagnetic factors in terms of the multi-particle octupole 215RA8C coupling mechanism (1998ST24). 215RA C Other measurements: 215RA C 1988FU10: 206PB(12C,3NG), E=67 MEV, GE 90% enriched 206PB target. 215RA2C Measured EG, RI, GG coin, G(THETA) for 9 angles between THETA=80 DEG 215RA3C and 160 DEG, G-ray linear polarization, GG(T). Detectors: GELI. 215RA4C Deduced transition multipolarities. Measured levels half-life using 215RA5C a pulsed beam method, and also GG(T). 215RA C 1983LO16: 208PB(13C,6NG), E=95 MEV, 99% enriched 208PB target. 215RA2C Measured EG, RI, G(THETA) for 8 angles between 6 DEG and 158 DEG, 215RA3C GG coin, GG(THETA). Detector: GELI. Deduced transition 215RA4C multipolarities. Measured levels half-life using a pulsed beam method. 215RA C 1989DR02: 208PB(12C,5NG), E=80 MEV, 99% enriched 208PB target. 215RA2C Measured EG, RI. Detector: GELI. 215RA C 1989DR02: 206PB(13C, 4NG), E=78 MEV, 92% enriched 206PB target. 215RA2C Measured EG, RI, ICE, GG(T). Detectors: GELI COMPTON-suppression 215RA3C system, SI(LI). Deduced conversion coefficients and multipolarities. 215RA4C Measured levels half-life using a pulsed beam method and GG(T). 215RA C 1987ADZU: 206PB(13C,4NG), E=80 MEV. 215RA2C Measured EG, GG coin, GG(T). Detector:GE(LI), high-purity Ge. 215RA3C Measured levels half-life. Measured G-FACTOR by stroboscopic 215RA4C observation of G-ray perturbed angular distributions. 215RA CG E,RI$From 206PB(13C,4NG) (1998ST24). 215RA CL The level scheme presented here is from 1998ST24. Up to 215RA2CL 2054 KEV it agrees well with that from 1988FU10, 1983LO16, and 215RAxCL 1987ADZU. 215RA CL E Deduced by evaluator from a least-squares fit to EG from 215RA2CL 1998ST24, using DE=0.3 KEV (not given in 1998ST24) for all G rays. 215RA CL J Spin and parity assignments are based on G-ray 215RA2CL multipolarities, angular distributions, transition strengths, and 215RA3CL excitation functions. Shell model configuration assignments 215RA4CL are based on level energies and G-ray transition rates (1998ST24). 215RA CL E(A)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+6} (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(C)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+6} (|nj{-15/2}) 215RA CL E(D)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+5} (|pf{-7/2}) (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(E)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+4} (|pf{-7/2}) (|pi{-13/2}) (|n{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(F)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+5} (|pi{-13/2}) (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(G)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+4} (|pi{-13/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(H)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+5} (|pf{-7/2}) (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(I)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+4} (|pf{-7/2}){+2} (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(J)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+3} (|pf{-7/2}){+2} (|pi{-13/2}) 215RA2CL (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA CL E(K)$Configuration=(|ph{-9/2}){+3} (|pf{-7/2}) (|pi{-13/2}){+2} 215RA2CL (|ng{-9/2}) 215RA N 215RA PN 5 215RA L 0.0 9/2+ 1.55 MS 7 A 215RA CL T$from adopted levels 215RA L 773.0 3 15/2- 67.2 NS 14 C 215RA CL T$from 1998ST24, pulsed beam method. Other values: 68.6 NS 21 215RA2CL (1989DR02), 77 NS 2 (1988FU10), and 67 NS 3 (1987ADZU). 215RA G 773.0 1000 E3 0.0409 215RA CG EG=773.2 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M from EKC=0.0239 7, ELC=0.0091 3, EMC=0.0028 2. A2=0.12 2. 215RA2CG Other values: EKC=0.0257 11, ELC=0.0096 6, EMC=0.0027 5 (1989DR02). 215RA L 1625.3 4 17/2+ A 215RA G 852.3 742 5 E1 0.00427 215RA CG EG=852.4 10 (1988FU10). 215RA CG M$from EKC=0.0046 4, ELC=0.0010 2, EMC=0.00016 11. A2=-0.09 1. 215RA L 1821.2 4 21/2+ 24.9 NS 14 A 215RA CL T$pulsed beam method (1998ST24). Other value: 22.9 NS 49 (1983LO16). 215RA G 196.0 467 3 E2 0.642 215RA CG EG=195.9 10 (1988FU10), EG=195.1 (1983LO06), EG=196.0 215RAxCG (1987ADZU). 215RA G 1048.2 227 2 E3 0.0199 215RA CG EG=1048.3 10 (1988FU10) 215RA CG M$from EKC=0.0127 7, ELC=0.0059 5, EMC=0.0037 10. A2=0.06 2. 215RA L 1877.8 5 25/2+ 6.9 US 3 D 215RA CL T$pulsed beam method (1998ST24). other value: 7.2 US 2 (1988FU10). 215RA CL Mixed with 2053.8 level by particle octupole coupling. 215RA G 56.5 8 1 E2 147 215RA CG M from ECC=94 40. 215RA L 1994.5 5 23/2+ D 215RA G 173.3 39 1 M1 3.45 215RA CG EG=173.0 10 (1983FU10), EG=173.4 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M$from ECC=3.6 14. A2=0.03 6. 215RA L 2053.8 5 25/2+ A 215RA CL Mixed with 1877.8 level by particle octupole coupling. 215RA G 59.3 16 2 M1 15.1 215RA CG From ECC=17 7. 215RA G 176.0 100 2 M1 3.31 215RA CG EG=175.8 10 (1988FU10), EG=175.9 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M$from ECC=5.0 5, ELC=0.40 3. A2=0.16 4. 215RA L 2214.4 6 27/2(-) E 215RA CL Configuration assignment was confirmed by G-ray 215RA2CL transition rates. 215RA G 336.6 42 2 (E1) 0.0274 215RA CG M$from ECC LT 0.27. 215RA L 2246.9 5 29/2- 1.39 US 7 F 215RA CL T$pulsed beam method (1998ST24). 215RA G 32.5 S 215RA G 193.1 59 1 M2(+E3) 215RA CG EG=193.2 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M$from ECC=9.1 6, ELC=3 1, EMC=0.63 6. A2=0.13 6. 215RA G 369.1 19 2 M2+E3 1.1 2 0.83 9 215RA CG M$from EKC=0.51 6, ELC=0.19 3, EMC=0.08 2. 215RA CG MR$deduced by evaluator from EKC=0.51 6. 215RA L 2246.9+X 31/2- F 215RA DL E$LEVEL ENERGY HELD FIXED IN LEAST-SQUARES ADJUSTMENT. 215RA CL E$x LE 35 KEV. 215RA G 35 LE S 215RA L 3088.8+X 3 33/2+ G 215RA G 841.9 554 4 E1 215RA CG EG=841.8 10 (1988FU10). 215RA CG M$from EKC LT 0.013. A2=-0.21 1. 215RA L 3143.7+X 5 35/2+ H 215RA G 54.9 21 2 M1 18.9 215RA CG EG=54.9 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M$from ECC=11 4. 215RA L 3331.1+X 5 37/2+ H 215RA G 187.4 98 2 M1 2.77 215RA CG EG=187.4 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M$from ECC=2.7 7. A2=-0.15 4. 215RA L 3413.4+X 5 37/2- F 215RA G 269.7 98 1 215RA CG EG=269.3 10 (1988FU10). 215RA L 3415.6+X 5 37/2+ H 215RA G 271.9 42 2 M1 0.98 215RA CG EG=271.6 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M from ECC=1.4 4. A2=-0.06 5. 215RA L 3586.4+X 5 37/2+ I 215RA G 170.8 10 2 M1 3.60 215RA CG M from ECC=5.2 33. 215RA G 255.4 52 6 M1 1.17 215RA CG EG=255.2 10 (1988FU10). 215RA CG M from ECC=1.6 7. A2=0.33 12. 215RA G 442.6 5 2 215RA L 3738.6+X 5 39/2- F 215RA G 152.2 94 1 E1 0.176 215RA CG EG=152 1 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M from ECC LT 0.42. A2=-0.12 4. 215RA G 323.1 62 2 E1 0.0300 215RA CG EG=323.0 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M from ECC LT 0.48. A2=-0.15 9. 215RA G 325.3 8 2 215RA G 407.4 202 2 E1 0.0181 215RA CG EG=404.7 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M from EKC=0.024 5. A2=-0.11 2. 215RA L 3756.6+X 6 43/2- 0.555 US 10 F 215RA CL T$pulsed beam method (1998ST24). Other value: 0.59 US 18 (1987ADZU). 215RA CL Octupole-mixed state 215RA CL G-FACTOR=+0.726 3. Theoretical value: +0.73 (1998ST24). 215RA G 18.1 S 215RA G 425.5 69 2 E3 0.246 215RA CG M$from EKC=0.126 14, ELC=0.08 1, EMC=0.04 1. A2=0.20 8. 215RA L 3765.7+X 6 215RA G 434.6 13 2 215RA L 3855.0+X 6 215RA G 439.4 14 2 215RA L 3935.4+X 6 43/2- E 215RA CL Octupole-mixed state 215RA G 178.6 16 2 M1 3.17 215RA CG EG=178.6 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M from ECC=3.6 3. A2=0.4 3. 215RA L 4207.3+X 7 215RA G 352.3 10 2 215RA L 4366.9+X 6 45/2+ G 215RA G 431.5 79 2 E1 0.0161 215RA CG EG=431.6 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M from ECC LT 0.07. A2=-0.20 5. 215RA G 610.2 80 4 215RA CG EG=610.0 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA L 4553.6+X 6 47/2- F 215RA G 797.3 83 2 215RA CG EG=796.3 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA L 4567.0+X 6 49/2+ 10.5 NS 2 G 215RA CL T$pulsed beam method (1998ST24). Other value: AP 10 NS (1987ADZU). 215RA CL G-FACTOR=+0.77 1. Theoretical value: +0.80 (1998ST24). 215RA G 12.9 S 215RA G 200.1 54 1 215RA CG EG=199.9 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA G 810.2 32 1 215RA L 4686.2+X 7 47/2- E 215RA G 750.7 22 1 215RA L 4882.7+X 6 51/2- E 215RA G 196.3 28 4 E2 0.638 215RA CG EG=195.9 10 (1988FU10). 215RA G 315.6 120 5 215RA CG EG=315.5 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA G 329.5 14 3 215RA L 5372.7+X 7 53/2+ G 215RA G 490.1 63 2 215RA CG EG=490.2 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA G 805.7 30 1 215RA L 5608.6+X 7 55/2- J 215RA G 725.9 23 4 215RA L 5608.7+X 7 57/2+ 1.7 NS 2 G 215RA CL T$pulsed beam method (1998ST24). 215RA G 236.0 55 1 E2 0.334 215RA CG EG=235.9 10 (1987ADZU). 215RA CG M from ECC LT 0.7. A2=0.36 6. 215RA L 6033.5+X 8 57/2+ K 215RA G 424.8 18 4 215RAF G FL=5608.7+X 215RA L 6076.4+X 8 59/2+ K 215RA G 467.7 10 2 215RAF G FL=5608.7+X 215RA L 6283.2+X 9 61/2+ K 215RA G 249.7 13 4 215RA 208PB(13C,6NG) 1988FU10,1983LO16,1987ADZU01NDS 200110 215RA H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215RA C 1989DR02 215RA C 206PB(12C,3NG), 206PB(13C,4NG), 208PB(12C,5NG). 215RA C 1988FU10: 206PB(12C,3NG), E=67 MEV, GE 90% enriched 206PB target. 215RA2C Measured EG, RI, GG coin, G(THETA) for 9 angles between THETA=80 DEG 215RA3C and 160 DEG, G-ray linear polarization, GG(T). Detectors: GELI. 215RA4C Deduced transition multipolarities. Measured level half-lives using a 215RA5C pulsed beam method, and also GG(T). 215RA C 1983LO16: 208PB(13C,6NG), E=95 MEV, 99% enriched 208PB target. 215RA2C Measured EG, RI, G(THETA) for 8 angles between 6 DEG and 158 DEG, 215RA3C GG coin, GG(T). Detector: GELI. Deduced transition multipolarities. 215RA4C Measured level half-lives using a pulsed beam method. 215RA C 1989DR02: 208PB(12C,5NG), E=80 MEV, 99% enriched 208PB target. 215RA2C Measured EG, RI. Detector: GELI. 215RA C 1989DR02: 206PB(13C,4NG), E=78 MEV, 92% enriched 206PB target. 215RA2C Measured EG, RI, ICE, GG(T). Detectors: GELI COMPTON suppression 215RA3C system, SI(LI). Deduced transition conversion coefficients and 215RA4C multipolarities. Measured level half-lives using a pulsed beam method, 215RA5C and GG(T). 215RA C 1987ADZU: 206PB(13C,4NG), E=80 MEV. 215RA2C Measured EG, GG coin, GG(T). Detector: GE(LI), high-purity germanium. 215RA3C Measured level half-lives. Measured G-FACTOR by stroboscopic 215RA4C observation of G-ray perturbed angular distributions. 215RA CG E,RI From 1988FU10 at E(12C)=67 MEV, unless otherwise specified. 215RA CG E(A) From 1987ADZU. 215RA CG M$From G(THETA) and G-ray linear polarization measurements 215RA2CG (1983LO16,1988FU10). 215RA CL E Deduced by evaluator from a least-squares fit to G-ray 215RA2CL energies, using 1 KEV uncertainty for G-ray energies from 1987ADZU. 215RA3CL Levels above 1877 KEV have been reported by 1987ADZU only. 215RA CL J From adopted levels. 215RA N 215RA PN 5 215RA L 0.0 (9/2+) 1.59 MS 9 215RA L 773 1 (15/2-) 72 NS 3 215RA CL T from adopted levels. 215RA G 773.210 100 E3 0.0409 215RAS G KC= 0.0259 $LC= 0.0113 215RA CG M EKC=0.0257 11, ELC=0.0096 6, and EMC=0.00027 5 confirm the 215RA2CG E3 multipolarity of this transition (1989DR02). 215RA CG E EG=771.5 (1983LO16). 215RA L 1626 1 (17/2+) 215RA G 852.410 64 3 E1 0.00427 215RAS G KC= 0.00351 $LC= 0.000574 215RA CG E EG=850.1 (1983LO16). 215RA L 1821 1 (21/2+) 23 NS 5 215RA CL T from 1983LO16. 215RA G 195.910 4212 E2 0.643 215RAS G KC= 0.171 $LC= 0.346 $MC= 0.0933 $NC+= 0.0335 215RA CG E EG=195.1 (1983LO16); EG=196.0 (1987ADZU). 215RA G 1048.310 18 2 E3 0.0198 215RAS G KC= 0.0141 $LC= 0.00434 215RA L 1878 2 (25/2+) 7.2 US 2 215RA CL T pulsed beam method (1988FU10). 215RA2CL Other value: GE 2 US, pulsed beam method (1983LO16). 215RA G 56 S 215RA L 1994 2 215RA G 173.010 2 1 215RA CG EG=173.4 (1987ADZU). 215RA L 2054 2 215RA G 59.110 A 215RA G 175.810 5 2 215RA CG EG=175.9 (1987ADZU). 215RA L 2247 2 215RA G 193.210 A 215RA L 3088 2 215RA G 841.810 18 2 215RA L 3275 2 215RA G 187.410 A 215RA L 3358 2 215RA G 269.310 5 2 215RA CG EG=271.6 (1987ADZU). 215RA L 3427 2 215RA G 152 1 A 215RA L 3682 2 215RA G 255.210 A 215RA G 323.010 A 215RA G 407.410 A 215RA L 3737 3 0.59 US 18 215RA CL T pulsed beam method (1987ADZU). 215RA CL G-FACTOR=0.734 7, stroboscopic observation of G-ray 215RA2CL perturbed angular distributions (1987ADZU). 215RA G 54.910 A 215RA L 4052 3 215RA G 315.510 A 215RA L 4484 3 215RA G 431.610 A 215RA L 4663 3 215RA G 178.610 A 215RA G 610.010 A 215RA L 4848 3 215RA G 796.310 A 215RA L 4863 3 10 NS AP 215RA CL T from 1987ADZU. 215RA G 15 S 215RA G 199.910 A 215RA L 5353 3 215RA G 490.210 A 215RA L 5589 3 215RA G 235.910 A 215AC ADOPTED LEVELS, GAMMAS 01NDS 200110 215AC H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215AC XA204PB(15N,4NG) 215AC XB219PA A DECAY 215AC Q -4.91E+3 88480 801360 607750 50 1995AU04 215AC CL States in 215AC have been interpreted in terms of the shell 215AC2CL model configurations h{-9/2}, f{-7/2}, and i{-13/2} available for 215AC3CL the seven protons beyond closed shell (Z=82) (1983DE08). 215AC CL J $Spin and parity and proton configuration assignments are based 215AC2CL on the analogy with the corresponding levels in the isotones 211AT and 215AC3CL 213FR, and also on the agreement of experimental G-FACTORS with 215AC4CL shell-model predictions (I.E. constant values for h9/2 states). 215AC5CL Additional arguments are given with individual levels. 215AC CL T From 204PB(15N,4NG), measured with the DPAD method. 215AC CL E$X=50 KEV 50, extrapolated from EG=511 KEV in 211AT, and EG=265 KEV 215AC2CL in 213FR. 215AC CG E,M From 204PB(15N,4NG). 215AC L 0.0 9/2- 0.17 S 1 215ACX L XREF=AB 215AC CL T from 1968VA04. 215AC CL J favored ALPHA decay (HF=1.3) to 211FR (JPI=9/2-). 215AC2 L %A=99.91 2$%EC+%B+=0.09 2 215AC CL %A: from 1968VA04. 215AC L 1317.0 5 13/2- 215ACX L XREF=A 215AC CL J 1317G stretched E2 to 9/2-. 215AC CL CONF (|p 1h{-9/2}){++7} 215AC G 1317.0 5 100 E2 0.00572 215AC L 1621.0 7 17/2- 30 NS 10 215ACX L XREF=A 215AC CL J 304G stretched E2 to 13/2-. 215AC CL CONF (|p 1h{-9/2}){++7} 215AC2 L MOMM1=7.82 16 215AC CL MOMM1 DPAD (1983DE08,1989RA17). 215AC G 304.0 5 100 E2 0.156 215ACB G BE2W=0.08 3 215AC L 1796.0 9 21/2- 185 NS 30 215ACX L XREF=A 215AC CL J 175G stretched E2 to 17/2-. 215AC CL CONF (|p 1h{-9/2}){++7} 215AC2 L MOMM1=9.66 20 215AC CL MOMM1 DPAD (1983DE08,1989RA17). 215AC G 175.0 5 100 E2 1.04 215ACB G BE2W=0.119 20 215AC L 1796.0+X (23/2-) 215ACX L XREF=A 215AC CL CONF (PI 1h{-9/2}{++6}, 2f{-7/2}{++1}). 215AC L 2438+X (29/2+) 335 NS 10 215ACX L XREF=A 215AC CL J 642G stretched E3 to (23/2-). BE3W=24.7 9 is similar to that 215AC2CL of the corresponding E3 transition in 213FR, and typical of fast E3 215AC3CL transitions in this region. 215AC CL CONF (PI 1h{-9/2}{++6}, 1i{-13/2}{++1}). 215AC2 L MOMM1=15.13 30 215AC CL MOMM1 DPAD (1983DE08,1989RA17). 215AC G 642.0 5 100 E3 0.0711 215ACB G BE3W=27.4 9 215AC CG BE3W=27.4 9 is similar to that of the corresponding E3 215AC2CG transition in 213FR, and typical of fast E3 transitions in this region. 215AC3CG The strength enhancement of such transitions is due to the coupling 215AC4CG with octupole vibrations in the even core nucleus. 215AC 219PA A DECAY 1987FAZS 01NDS 200110 215AC H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215AC C 219PA was produced by 204PB(19F,4N), E=100 MEV. 215AC2C Assignment of this activity to 219PA is based on excitation functions, 215AC3C and on the systematics of ALPHA-particle energies and half-lives for 215AC4C other protactinium isotopes. Measured EA. Detector: annular system of 215AC5C gas detectors. 215AC N 1.0 AP 219PA P 0.0 9/2- 53 NS 10 10080 50 215AC L 0.0 9/2- 0.17 S 1 215AC A 9900 50 100 1.0 AP 215AC CA HF$using R0(215AC)=1.52, average of R0(214RA)=1.554, 215AC2CA R0(216RA)=1.566, R0(214TH)=1.46, and R0(216TH) AP 1.50 (1998AK04). 215AC 204PB(15N,4NG) 1983DE08 01NDS 200110 215AC H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215AC C Target: 99.7% enriched 204PB, E(15N)=84 MEV. 215AC2C Measured EG, RI, GG coin. Measured G-ray differential perturbed 215AC3C angular distributions (DPAD), level half-lives, and G-FACTORS. 215AC4C Measured G rays in coincidence with delayed ALPHA particles. Deduced 215AC5C transition multipolarities. Detectors: GE(LI), high-purity germanium, 215AC6C semi. 215AC CL E From G-ray energies. 215AC2CL X=50 KEV 50, extrapolated from EG=511 KEV in 211AT, and EG=265 KEV 215AC3CL in 213FR. 215AC CL J From adopted levels. 215AC CL T From DPAD measurements. 215AC CG The assignment of G rays to 215AC was based on the 215AC3CG measurement of coincident AC x rays, of delayed ALPHA particles (from 215AC4CG 215AC and 216AC, with a ratio of 2:1), and on the level systematics 215AC5CG of analogous levels in the lighter isotones 211AT and 213FR. 215AC CG M From measured A2 angular distribution coefficients, and 215AC2CG comparison with the corresponding transitions in 211AT and 213FR. 215AC3CG All multipolarities are stretched. 215AC L 0.0 9/2- 0.17 S 1 215AC CL T$from adopted levels 215AC L 1317.0 5 13/2- 215AC G 1317.0 5 E2 0.00572 215ACS G KC= 0.00451 $LC= 0.000907 215AC L 1621.0 7 17/2- 30 NS 10 215AC CL G-FACTOR=0.91 1, uncorrected for diagmagnetism and KNIGHT 215AC2CL shift. 215AC G 304.0 5 E2 0.156 215ACS G KC= 0.0708 $LC= 0.0628 $MC= 0.0168 $NC+= 0.00599 215AC L 1796.0 9 21/2- 185 NS 30 215AC CL G-FACTOR=0.91 1, uncorrected for diagmagnetism and KNIGHT 215AC2CL shift. 215AC G 175.0 5 E2 1.04 215ACS G KC= 0.205 $LC= 0.610 $MC= 0.166 $NC+= 0.0604 215AC L 1796.0+X (23/2-) 215AC CL X=50 50, extrapolated from EG=511 KEV in 211AT, 215AC2CL and EG=265 KEV in 213FR. 215AC L 2438+X (29/2+) 335 NS 10 215AC CL G-FACTOR=1.033 10, uncorrected for diagmagnetism and KNIGHT 215AC2CL shift. 215AC G 642.0 5 E3 0.0711 215ACS G KC= 0.0396 $LC= 0.0237 215TH ADOPTED LEVELS 01NDS 200110 215TH H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215TH Q -6.87E+3 147820 SY2790 907666 6 1995AU04 215TH CQ QA from EA=7524 8 to GS of 211RA (1968VA18). 215TH C 1968VA18: activity was produced by 206PB(16O,7N), E=90-160 MEV, and 215TH2C identified by excitation functions, genetic relationship to daughter 215TH3C nuclei, and by the agreement with ALPHA-particle energy decay 215THxC systematics. 215TH C 2000HE17: activity was produced by 170ER(51V,P5N), E=214-286 MEV, 215TH2C and separated from the beam with a velocity filter. The activity was 215TH3C identified by excitation functions, and by its genetic relationship to 215TH4C daughter nuclei. Measured EA, AG COIN. Detectors: germanium, semi. 215TH XA219U A DECAY 215TH L 0.0 (1/2-) 1.2 S 2 215THX L XREF=A 215TH CL T from 1968VA18. 215TH CL J from ALPHA-decay systematics of N=125, JPI=1/2- isotones 215TH2CL 209PO, 211RN, and 213RA. These nuclei strongly populate a 5/2- GS, 215TH3CL and, 1/2- and 3/2- excited states. The hindrance factors for 215TH 215TH4CL ALPHA decay are: 7.0 (5/2-), 2.0 (1/2-), and 7.8 (3/2-), using 215TH5CL R0(211RA)=1.479, from adjacent even-even nuclei. 215TH CL CONF$expected shell-model configuration for the odd proton is P1/2. 215TH2 L %A=100 215TH CL No EC decay observed (lim 1.5%) (1968VA18). 215TH 219U A DECAY 1993AN07,1994YE08,1994ANZY01NDS 200110 215TH H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 219U P 0.0 42 US +34-13 9860 50 215TH CL J,T$From adopted levels 215TH N 1.0 215TH L 0.0 (1/2-) 1.2 S 2 215TH A 9680 40 100 215PA ADOPTED LEVELS 01NDS 200110 215PA H TYP=FUL$AUT=E. BROWNE$CIT=NDS 93, 763 (2001)$CUT=1-May-2001$ 215PA Q 9.60E+3 18 170 SY8240 50 1995AU04 215PA C 1979SC09: 215PA activity was produced by 181TA(40AR,6N), E=165-202 MEV, 215PA2C and separated from the beam with a velocity filter. The activity was 215PA3C identified by excitation functions, and by its genetic relationship to 215PA4C daughter nuclei. Measured EA. Detector: semi. 215PA C 2000HE17: 215PA activity was produced by 170ER(51V,6N), E=214-286 MEV, 215PA2C separated from the beam with a velocity filter, and implanted into a 215PA3C 16-strip semiconductor detector. The activity was identified by its 215PA4C genetic relationship to daughter nuclei. Measured EA, half-life. 215PA L 0.0 14 MS 2 215PA CL T from 2000HE17. Other value: 14 MS +20-3 (1979SC09). 215PA2 L %A=100 215PA CL %EC+%B+ LT 6% (1997MO25).